
Lying in bed wrapped in Hudson’s arms, I can’t help but think that what just happened felt like more than what we agreed we were. Afraid he’ll start freaking out, I bring up a safe and friendly topic, needing to talk and act normal before I start freaking out.

“Did you know when I first met Lyla and Marcus, we didn’t like each other?”

“Is that right?” He rolls over to face me as we lie in bed.

“Yeah, I had been coming to the record store that Marcus’ mom opened every single day, and when spring break came, her son started helping her and her boyfriend. Popularity grew and they hired Lyla and they found me hiding on a bookshelf in the back.” I laugh a bit at my awkward habit.

“Funny how that hasn’t changed.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I shrug the shoulder I’m not lying on.

“Anyway, Marcus came out of nowhere and very loudly yelled at me, explaining that I wasn’t allowed to sit on the shelves, then of course I fell in true Charlie fashion and luckily he caught me, but I started hitting him and Lyla had to come make the peace. She noticed my Beatles t-shirt and it turned out the three of us had a mutual love for them. The rest is history.”

“So, it’s safe to say music brought you together?”

“Yeah, the record store, the love of The Beatles, and of course—”

Oh no, I almost spilled our secret to my friend with benefits. It doesn’t matter how comfortable I feel with Hudson, he can never find out what we did.

“Of course, what?”

“Nothing. Tell me how you met the boys.”

“You’re seriously not going to tell me?”

“Yeah, girls got to have some secrets.”

“Not from me you don’t.”

“So anyway, how did you meet your crazy bandmates?” I desperately need to change this subject. Luckily, he only gives me a dirty look.

“In London, the boys were living there trying to make it same as me. We met at a pub after Bandit saw my little one-man show. He bought me drinks until I was rightly hammered and convinced me to join his crazy crew.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me at all.” I laugh at the story that of course involved the boys getting drunk.

“Because it’s in his character to be a sneaky bugger like that.”

We both laugh and soon make our way out of bed. I sneak back over to my place and take a quick shower and dress for more rehearsals.

The day drags on and Hudson and I sneak sexy glances at one another without anyone noticing. It’s thrilling and does crazy things to my lady parts. Much like his voice does. He nails the vocals in each song every time Marcus asks too. The album is almost done, which is a scary realization because that means he’ll be leaving me soon.

“You in, Charlie?” Shoot, I wasn’t paying attention and now the guys are all looking at me for an answer.

“What? I’m sorry.”

“We’re going out to that new bar down the road when Hudson finishes up. You want to come?”

I’m surprised it’s Bryon asking me.

“Yeah, count me in.”

“Awesome, I’m going up to change so I don’t smell like a sack of sweaty balls, like the rest of you.”

Everyone laughs as he leaves, and Bandit and Nick soon follow. I hang back with Marcus who looks just as impressed with Hudson as I am. He throws in a new beat to see if it changes anything and it does but for the better. The song is amaz-balls and an hour later, totally complete. We give our round of applause as he comes out of the booth and I see it in his eyes—he wants to come hug me, but he doesn’t. We remain casual as always in front of other people, even Marcus, and after a bit of small talk about the song changes, we head up to get ready to go out.

Outside the studio Marcus, Nick, Bryon, Bandit, Cole, Willow, and Lyla are all waiting, and I hear Hudson on the stairs behind me. I hug the girls and Cole and we all make small chitchat, catching up from the week since we’ve seen each other. Shortly the designated limo pulls up and we all pile in. The first bar we hit is a lounge and we grab a bite to eat. Lyla does the honors of ordering for everyone except the band because at this point in our friendship, we kind of expect her to and are never disappointed.

“And the seafood pasta bowl for Charlie.” She closes the menu and Cole leans over and kisses her on the cheek. It seems even after marriage the two can’t keep their hands off each other, and I find myself envious. I can’t even touch the person in this world I want more than anything. I think my friends would all be really happy for me, but I know he can’t commit. Hudson has probably never had a girlfriend, and my insecurities make me wonder if he’s been with any other woman since we’ve been hanging out. Dreading the answer, I know I won’t ask him, mainly for selfish reasons because it would hurt, and I truly don’t want to stop seeing him. At least not until I have to.

The pasta Lyla ordered me is perfect and I do my best to avoid all eye contact with Hudson. I’ll just pretend I’m regular old Charlie and I’m not hiding a secret from my best friends. Should be easy but I find it harder every time I see Cole and Lyla being affectionate. Which is almost constantly since they sat right in front of me. As the server comes around and grabs everyone’s dishes, I chance a glance at Hudson. To my surprise, he’s looking my way and our eyes meet for just a second. Part of me likes having a secret. I know I can be Charlotte now and everyone around me besides Hudson still believes I’m simple plain old shy and awkward Charlie. Maybe tonight I can get a little more out of my comfort zone.

We pull up to another bar and this one is loud, with karaoke and tons of people bursting out the door. For a moment I think we won’t get in but as soon as the doorman sees Marcus, he ushers everyone to move out of the way for us. I guess Empire is finally on the map.

We’re escorted by a hostess, even though it’s too loud to hear her, to a VIP area roped off from the masses. Menus are handed out, both for drinks and song choices, with instructions to text our choice to a phone number on the top. I let everyone go ahead, and since they don’t expect me to do it, I take a deep breath, look over to a smiling Hudson, and text in my choice without telling anyone.

A cute little blonde is up now singing “When You’re Good To Mama” from Chicago and surprises the audience with her big voice. I clap and whoot up a storm for her and a couple go on next. For the next hour it’s people we don’t know, but then Nick goes up and does a solo of “Simple Man” and it’s beautiful. It makes me wonder why he never even sings backup. I look to Hudson, shock clear on my face, but he just shrugs knowingly and claps for his bandmate. I can tell he’s closer friends with Nick, and they must have more in common since Nick seems so mellow and laid-back compared to Bandit and Bryon.

They go up next and rip up a Five Finger Death Punch track and the crowd eats out of their hands. The group gives a standing ovation and slowly but surely the rest of the group is called up. After Willow sings a hit by Amy Winehouse, the DJ announces my name, and my friends go quiet and all eyes land on me. Even Hudson looks surprised, but I make my way to the stage and tell myself a million times that I can do this.