
Weeks have gone by and Charlotte and I continue to sneak around with each other without anyone noticing. Tonight, she’s watching Harmony, and the boys ditched me for the club. I’ve been staying away from drinking and bad choices since my short stay in jail. I’m working on a song alone for a while before I head next door. The song doesn’t seem like anything the boys and I would play but I can’t help but finish it. It’s sweet and slow and nothing like I’ve ever written before. I would blame Charlotte, but she hasn’t even seen it. It’s a bit embarrassing so I keep it to myself for the time being.

I flip through my notebook and see how much hate I’ve written over the years, the burns from my parents evident to at least me. I think of my mother and how weak she was, letting my father hurt her the way he did. Charlotte thinks she’s weak from the scars she carries but she’s not. They’ve made her strong and more beautiful and I only wish she could see it. I wish a lot of things for us both. Unfair things. I know I couldn’t try to hold on to her while traveling the world, groupie girls hanging on me for the paparazzi would only hurt her, even if I never touched them. The media would make it look as though I did, and the girls would probably confirm it just to get a few seconds of fame.

I’m too deep in my own head and shake out of my thoughts at the sound of a knock at the door. To my surprise it’s Harmony with Charlotte.

“Well, hello, ladies.”

“Hey, um, Harmony insisted on bringing you a picture she made before Grace gets here to pick her up.”

“Yeah, it’s the bestest thing in the world, it’s us, Hut.”

After watching Frozen with her the other day and playing her version of the movie, we’ve become the best of friends. I take the paper from her upstretched hand and I stare at the crayon drawing of Charlotte, Harmony, and I all playing in a yard together, a yellow sun above us and huge smile on our faces. It’s just a kid’s drawing, but it makes me realize I’ll never have a family like this. These friendships I’ve made the last couple of months are coming to an end. The record is almost done; Marcus already planned the release and after party, and Ryan has us booked to tour the US for three months, then Europe for another three. I will probably never see this sweet girl again or the kind woman behind her.

“Thank you for this, love. You are by far the coolest and sweetest four-year-old I know.” I kiss the top of her head and let her bounce into my flat.

Charlotte follows and the back of her knuckle grazes the front of my jeans, sending mixed signals to my cock. I know its intentional by the look she gives me over her shoulder.

“Oh, Charlotte, you play dirty,” I whisper to her before we get too close to Harmony but being the ninja she is, of course she hears me.

“What game are you guys playing? Can I play too?”

“I’m sorry, honey. It was just a grown-up joke; we aren’t playing anything yet.”

Charlotte smiles over at me, then bites her lip. Our sexy time adventures have only gotten more intense lately and playing games is what we like best, but they usually involve lace, leather, or some kind of dessert. This woman has absolutely blown my mind with how adventurous and controlling she can be.

Right now, though, we find ourselves flipping through the tele for cartoons for a small human we both adore. Strange how domestic it feels. Here I am on the verge of rock stardom and babysitting a wee little one. A half hour of Doc McStuffins later, and Charlotte gets a text from Grace who is waiting outside, and the girls leave me to join her, but not until I get the sweetest goodbye hug from Harmony who promises she’ll miss me.

I hit the loo and come back to find Charlotte back on my couch. I smile and throw my arm around her and make myself comfortable. We watch Step Brothers and laugh our arses off and not for the first time tonight I relish how normal and comfortable the night has been. She makes spaghetti for dinner with delicious garlic bread, which is another nice change for us both—no takeout for once.

Meet Joe Blackhas barely started when the urge to be inside her is too overwhelming. It’s been too long since we’ve had each other, and my girl is hungry too, crawling on top of me and kissing me all over. We spend hours playing games with each other and wind up in my bed, exhausted, and although we never stay over all night, I feel her drifting off and I don’t wake her. Instead, I hold her close for as long as I can and soon fall asleep myself.

The next morning, I wake to the smell of her floral sent and feel the moment down to my bones. I want to remember everything about it. Her curls tickling my nose, the heat from her body that’s lying across my side, and the sound of her breathing. It’s all too perfect.

Her eyes flutter open, and again I’m taken into her oceans and watch as the waves turn different shades of blue.

“Good morning, love.” I push back the bangs from her face, and she grants me a megawatt smile.

“Good morning. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to stay all night; I think someone wore me out.” She ends the words with a kiss to my chest and her fingers trace my tattoos and start to head under the sheet, but I stop them and bring them up to my lips and hold her hand.

“I think you have your facts wrong, love; I believe you took all control last night. I was just here for the ride.” I grin and kiss her palm. “And what an amazing ride it was.”

Her lips find mine and her body rolls over to press all her perfect parts to my very undeserving ones. I take control today and take it slow. We don’t use protection anymore and I love the feel of her. I didn’t lie when I said I had never not used a condom. Before Charlotte I never had, but I love the feel of her squeezing around me, bare and beautiful. Taking it slow and gentle is something new, but I can’t help but savor her. I whisper how much I adore her and right before we come, I bite her delicate neck. It’s all a bit overwhelming, and when we collapse, it feels different. For as ordinary as that was, it was the most intimate we’ve ever been. I should be freaking out, but I can’t feel anything but calm and content.