
Stepping out of the shower, I decide to go with my black Chevelle t-shirt and jeans, slide on my chucks, and apply a bit of makeup. Don’t judge me; I can’t help this stupid crush, and I just need a little armor. This armor just so happens to come in the form of mauve lipstick and mascara, nothing huge.

I find Hudson waiting outside my door with his fist up, about to knock. His smile makes my knees a little weak, and I wonder if this was a good idea. I know I’m getting attached and I shouldn’t, but I guess I’ll just go with the flow and enjoy it while I can.

“Nice shirt. Great band.”

“Thanks. It’s a favorite of mine.”

“Right. You ready for this?”

“Don’t we need to put in time at the studio?”

“Nope. Told boss man we have some research to do today to help get our creative juices flowing.”

The way he says juices has mine flowing south, and I almost trip over my own feet as we make our way down the stairs. I laugh, a little embarrassed, but I don’t think he notices. We hop on the bus and I’m itching to know where we’re going, but at the same time I’m too scared to ask. I don’t want to chicken out, especially in front of Hudson, who is the epitome of confident and oh so sexy.

A good twenty minutes goes by and I’m bouncing in my seat in anticipation. He lays a warm hand on me knee, and I’m frozen in place. Looking into his sincere dark eyes is even worse.

“Don’t worry, Charlotte, I’ll take care of you. I promise. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

There is just too much in that sentence, so I sidestep a bit. “Why do you call me Charlotte?”

He blinks like it’s obvious, but he’s the only one I know who doesn’t call me Charlie.

“That’s what you told me your name was when we first met.”

“I said that because I was trying too hard to be someone else. I couldn’t even think of a better name.”

“Do you not like it when I call you Charlotte? I have quite fond memories of that night.”

I blush and can’t help but smile. That night was beyond amazing to me, and it makes me far too happy to hear that he still thinks about it too.

“No, I do like it; it’s just that you’re the only one to ever call me Charlotte instead of Charlie.”

His smile grows and it only fans the fire he’s started between my thighs. The bus comes to an abrupt stop while we stare at each other.

“This is us.” He nods to the front of the bus.

I slowly rise and follow him out to the street. Soon he’s opening the door to a large blue painted warehouse. Inside is bright, sunlight streaming in through a dozen windows above our heads, and music is playing loud as we make our way to a group of people in the back. We pass a desk that seems to be the only piece of furniture in the wide-open space, and a pretty redheaded girl smiles as Hudson waves. The walls are white with splatters of paint against them; white sheets are spread around everywhere, and the group of maybe ten people are all standing around paint cans. I look to Hudson confused, and he takes my hand and pulls me over.

“Hey, Hudson, haven’t seen you in ages, my friend.” A skinny guy with a man bun shakes his hand.

“Hey, everyone, so nice to see you all. I’m very excited to introduce you to my good friend Charlie.” As he says my name, I instantly miss Charlotte. I don’t know why I got my hopes up that I would ever be more to him.

“Welcome, Charlie!”

The room is very welcoming and some even come give me a hug. I wonder for a moment if this is an AA meeting or something, but that wouldn’t explain all the tarps and paint cans. Maybe an art class, I guess, and then my eyes go wide as people start taking off their clothes. What in the world is going on? I turn to Hudson, but he just smiles and pulls his shirt up over his head. I can’t help admiring his strong abs, but he soon reaches for my shirt which causes me to stumble backwards. He steps closer and slowly reaches for me with a reassuring look on his face. Still no explanation. I know I’m breathing heavy and not in the sexy way. I’m nervous and still very confused when I look around and notice other people painting themselves and each other.

“It’s for an art show tonight, Charlotte. No need to get your knickers in a bunch, love. I promise it’ll all be okay. Remember, it’s lesson two.” He winks and I melt a bit; some of my anxiety eases as he unbuttons my pants and pulls them down for me to get out of.

“You can put these on behind that sheet if you would like.”

He hands me an ugly pair of tan granny panties, and I can’t help the snort that comes out. I’m standing in front of a bunch of strangers in my bra and underwear already, so why wouldn’t he have offered sooner, but the look on his face as he looks at my almost naked body says it all.

“I’ll be in these sexy man shorts, so joke is on me, babe.” He winks but doesn’t move to go change.

“Oh, I can’t wait,” I say and wag my eyebrows at him.

“You have to lose your bra, I’m afraid. It takes away from the canvas.”

I feel wild and anxious all over. All these people are going to see my ladies, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

“It’s about empowerment, Charlotte; embrace your sex kitten. I know she’s there and she’s going to show these people how brave she is just by getting her body painted and shown off as the beautiful creature she is. Best of all, by the time I’m done with you, no one will recognize you as Charlie.”

I take a deep breath, feeling every word, and look him deep in the eyes as I unclip my bra and let it fall. He’s gulp is audible, and he looks down at my body. The look he gives me does exactly what his words inspired, and I’m more than ready for this.