
Adjusting the mask on my face where my glasses usually sit and pulling down on the short skirt of my dress, I feel like I’m looking at a completely different woman. Sure, the blond curly hair is still unruly, but it’s up in a stylish twist, and my usually bare face is painted to perfection, thanks to my best friend Lyla. I shrug at my reflection and decide to just go with the flow. I tried everything I could think of to get out of the party tonight, and yet here I am grabbing my clutch purse that I would never normally use and wouldn’t even own if it weren’t a gift along with this dress and head downstairs.

The waiting limo on the corner is loud enough for me to hear as soon as I open the door. I smile to myself and duck inside to join the rest of my friends, and we head downtown for the wild and over the top celebration of the success of my best friend Marcus’ recording studio.

“You’re here!” Lyla’s sister-in-law Willow shouts as she hands me a champagne flute. I decided at that moment I’m going to loosen up tonight. I look like someone else so tonight I’m going to have fun like someone else. The bubbly beverage goes down surprisingly easy and so does the conversation. Everyone is excited and dressed to the nines, anxious for the night ahead.

“Yeah, I only had to buy her an entire outfit, but I must say, Charlie, you look great. I’m so glad you’re here. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”

Marcus holds up his glass, and everyone clinks in cheers. Mason makes a toast to Empire 39 and all the greatness ahead, and we drink some more.

By the time we arrive at the grand convention center, my friends and I all feel a bit tipsy. Stepping out into the humid night air, they all pair off with dates, and I hang back alone, following everyone in.

Inside, the room is huge, spanning what I assume is close to three football fields and already packed with sweating bodies. The area is dim and neon lights spray the room like a rave. Bodies bump and grind down below, surrounded by an upper balcony stretched around, and as required, everyone is wearing a mask along with all their designer suits and fancy dresses. To say this is not my scene is a vast understatement, but I made promises and I always keep them.

The gang all heads downstairs but I’ve never been the girl to go dance in a crowd of sweaty strangers so I find a bar close by and sneak past a set of double doors to a quiet hallway. I hear the sexy sounds of The Weekend playing lightly and start to sing along. My amaretto sour is perfect, and I sip on it as I sway down the hall, looking out the windows and catching glances of the busy nightlife below. Not realizing I wasn’t alone I had been singing carefree until I’m startled by a deep voice behind me.

“Well, hello there, beautiful siren.”

I jump and spin on my heels to face the masked man. He’s tall, broad, and keeps walking closer. I wave awkwardly but reprimand myself internally. I told myself I would be different tonight. This stranger has no idea who I am; I can be anyone. Just fake it, Charlie, I pep talk myself.

“Hi,” I say after a short moment.

He’s closer now, wearing an all-black suit with a black shirt and black tie, along with a matching mask. His hair is dark brown and his eyes even darker with just a little stubble on his cheeks.

“I heard your beautiful voice and had to follow it. I must say I’m not disappointed.”

He has a thick British accent and it’s sexy as hell. I feel my hands getting sweaty and my mouth goes dry. I am so terrible at talking to guys; I just pray I don’t throw up. I take a long gulp of my drink and thank him in the calmest voice I can, which luckily sounds a lot more confident than I feel.

“What is your name, beautiful siren?”


I decided a little too late to give a different name, but that’ll have to do. Tonight, I’m not Charlie. I’m outgoing and sexy, even if I have to pretend.

“So nice to meet you, love.”

He takes my hand and kisses it. I’m so thankful for this stupid mask because I know I’m fifty shades of awkward red right now.

“Would you like to dance, Charlotte?”


“Yeah, right here.”

He comes closer, wrapping his large hands around my waist and pulling me to him before I can answer. I’m so thankful for his forwardness or I may not be able to enjoy this moment. His cologne is rich and spicy and instantly makes my underwear damp. Ariana Grande’s “Dangerous Woman” plays through the hallway, and I close my eyes and remind myself to go with the flow. I inhale his musky scent and I’m surprised by how safe I feel in a stranger’s arms but this man feels so different. Not for a second would the normal me be comfortable in a situation like this but for some reason I feel safe with him.

He sways closer and drops his mouth to my ear. I can feel his warm breath cascade across my skin, so I start to hum the lyrics and let the rhythm take me. If I can lose myself in anything, it’s music, so I let it sweep me away.

Suddenly, I find myself pulling his jacket and he’s dropped his head to let his lips softly graze my neck. My temperature rises with each hum he presses against my skin and it’s intoxicating. The next song is just as sexy, and we stay attached. I dip my hips and press myself closer and hear a small groan escape his lips. Feeling empowered, I grind just a little closer and before I realize what I’m doing, I turn my face into his. His lips brush mine timidly for a moment, but I go all in. My hand wraps around his neck and into his hair and I kiss him without questioning myself, and he kisses me back. He takes my bottom lip and this time I moan. This sets us both on fire and soon we’re no longer dancing and he’s backing me up against the wall. His warm wet tongue glides across my lips begging for entry and I open happily and taste him. He invades me, deepening our kiss and instantly making me wet.

Our kiss only breaks for his mouth to roam down my neck. I feel possessed by the siren he thinks I am, and I arch into his mouth that’s tasting every inch of exposed skin. We keep the masks on, and I like how easy this fantasy is to play out with him.

The rough feel of his slightly grown facial hair is in stark contrast to his sweet lips, then he bites softly on my collarbone and I groan in pleasure. I tear his jacket down his shoulders as he pushes us through a set of double doors that takes us into a small conference room. We’re frantic and tearing at each other’s clothes and groping where we can, and it’s all so exciting.

His foot kicks the door closed and his lips find mine again. Our kiss deepens and his tongue tastes like champagne. As I’m pulling his hair, we continue to move into the room, and my butt hits something inside. He bends down, only to run his hands up my dress and under, bringing the skirt of my dress with him as he stands, and soon it’s bunched at my hips and his large hands cup my bottom as his eyes capture mine. The room is dark, but the outside lights of the city let in plenty enough to see each other.

I feel like I’m falling into another universe staring into those deep pools when he picks me up effortlessly and sets me on a table. For the first time in my life, I’m wearing a thong and the cold surface of the table sends goosebumps up my body.