She makes me wait, underscoring how pissed she is. Very.

“Yeah, I remember. But I thought you said you were just looking for a quick rebound lay?”

My mom makes a sound I’ve never heard before, and my dad’s face gets two shades darker.

Misty pulls a face and adds, “Sorry.”

Okay, so make that very,verypissed.

“No, no. I think maybe that’s what youassumed. But I needed—”

“Some ‘strange,’ Right? Yeah, we were in your room, and you were putting that economy-sized box of condoms in your suitcase.”

“Misty!” I cough, unable to look at the man who’s gone unnaturally still behind me. Like he’s not even breathing. “Mom, Dad, she’s—”

Not done, apparently. “I was teasing you because who buys endurance-strength marshmallow flavor?”

“Christ,” Liam mutters quietly as Noel says something about remembering not to piss her off and, now that they’ve caught on, my parents make annoyed noises.

“Misty,I’m sorry. I should have told you.”

“Yeah, you should have,” she snaps, but it’s hurt, not anger, behind her words. Noel pulls her in closer and kisses the side of her head.

“It won’t happen again.” There’s a beat filled with narrow-eyed sisterly silence. And she finally gives me a tight nod, our unspoken agreement struck.

From here on out, no more secrets. I’ll give her the truth. All of it.

She rolls her eyes and starts to lie for me. “Yeah, yeah, I remember. You wanted to decompress. Alone. So, Vegas.”

Liam relaxes behind me and clears his throat. I turn because it almost sounds like he’s trying not to… laugh? But maybe I’m wrong because he looks completely composed. Restrained.

Controlled. So verynotthe man from my office this morning.

“Neither of us were looking for what happened, but we just connected.” Liam sits back on the arm of the chair, drawing me into his side. “It was kind of instantaneous. And the more we talked, the more we found we had in common.”


“We got caught up in it.” He smiles at me like we’re taking a stroll down some cute, romantic memory lane. “Drank too much and made an impulsive decision. And in the light of day, we… well—” He chuffs out a laugh and looks around before meeting my eyes again. “We freaked out a little.”

I start nodding again. I know it’s too fast, but I can’t make myself slow down. Because,yes! What he said.

“We freaked out,” I echo.

The arm that was behind my back shifts and then his hand is in my hair… Kinda tight?

Right, the nodding.

Noel holds up a finger, leveling Liam with a nasty look. The guy is taking his impending brother-in-law dutiesseriously. “You’ve been married… for six months?”

“Stormy and I didn’t tell anyone about the marriage because we wanted to figure things out ourselves. And we wanted to do it privately. Which we have.”

His fingers flex, and I nod. Once.

“I’m sorry about how it came out. We wanted to tell you this weekend, privately. Celebrate together. But that Ray—” He makes this sort of strangled laugh noise. “That guy pushes my buttons.”

My parents blink, shifting uncomfortably.

Liam is completely believable.