“Sure, you were. Come on, you don’t have to be embarrassed,” Axel teases, handing me Otto and then picking up my overnight bag. “You missed me. Admit it.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “Right. Keep telling yourself that.”

My dodge isn’t exactly a lie. But it’s definitely not the truth either. I missed him more than I’d like to admit.

At least when he travels for games, we talk and check in a few times a day. Something I’ve gotten used to. Spoiled on. But this time, he was the one home with Otto. No need to check in or hang on the phone. Sure, we texted a couple of times over the weekend and talked once on Saturday when he called to wish me a Merry Christmas, but we were both with our families, so we kept it brief.

But late at night, when I finally got the little ones bathed and put to bed, the kitchen cleaned and meals started for the next day, when I was so bone-tired, I could barely keep my eyes open… I wanted to talk to him. I wanted him to tell me about Otto and remind me that I had a life that was different from the one in my parents’ home.

So yeah, I missed him. But now I’m back and life is good. I get him and Otto for another two months.

And this crushy business? I’ll get over it.

I follow him down the hall, stopping short when we get to my room.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, trying to peek past him and then giving up when there’s just too much Axel to see around until he steps aside. He doesn’t.

“I told you about the present that’s coming later… but I also got you something for now.” And, this time, he lets me by.

There’s a lush green potted plant sitting in the spot Stella previously occupied.


“I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said, and I hate the idea that you’ve made something withered and dead into the equivalent of your vision board. I put Stella in a drawer, so if you need a good scare, she’s still haunting the place. But just in case you’re interested in going another way, this is Damien. He’s a pothos, or devil’s ivy. As house plants go, he’s pretty chill. Not too choosy about light. And because he’s supportive of all your endeavors, he’s cool with waiting for a drink until you’ve got time to give him one. And best of all”— he walks over and points to a Command hook adhered to the wall, then, gently, he picks up one of the vines and drapes it over —“you can watch him grow and decide on his path. Change it any time.”

My heart feels overfull, tender, and raw, and for a minute, I can’t say anything because I’m afraid my voice might give away too much.

Pulling me into his chest, he holds me through a lingering breath and then steps back with a wink. “But like I said. Stella’s still around if you need her.”

I shake my head. “I love him.”

This crush isn’t going anywhere.

Chapter 14


“Dude, what’s with the grin?” Grady asks, dropping his bag on his bed in our shared hotel room.

“Text from Nora.”

“Yeah?” He walks over with a nod. “Whatchya got, picture of Otto? Let’s see.”

“Damien. He’s grown three inches in the week since I gave him to her, and Nora added a new hook for his vine.”

He gives me a confused look and then walks back to his bed, picks up his phone, and starts thumbing away.

A few seconds later, he snorts.

I turn. “What?”

“Harlow’s out with Nettie tonight. Cocktails. When I told her you were exchanging pictures of plants with your kid’s nanny, Nettie hijacked her phone.”

Harlow is Wade Grady’s fiancée, and Nettie’s her best friend, my banker, and a pretty good friend too.

“What’d she say?”

“From Nettie… ‘Sure she didn’t send him a picture of herbush?’”