“Thank you, Axel.”

“Just told him the truth.” I told him I thought she could rule the world if someone gave her a chance. That I’d do just about anything to keep her myself, if that’s what she wanted. “You’re amazing. And he’d be lucky to have you on his team.”

Those honey brown eyes meet mine again, and this time, there’s something in them I haven’t seen in months. Since that last day when my puck bunny past came back to haunt me and Dina showed up.

My heart thuds hard, and suddenly I’m aware of my hold on Nora in a way I haven’t let myself be aware of her in a long time. The feel of her hands at my shoulders, the way her chest rises and falls in time with mine. The slow burn of her gaze drifting to my mouth as I loosen my hold, allowing her body to slide down mine until she’s standing in the circle of my arms.

I should let her go, but her hands are still resting flat against my shirt, her body pressed too close to ignore as this thing between us starts to pulse and pull. There are reasons this is a bad idea… but in this minute, I can’t think of a single one.

In this minute, it feels like there’s something drawing us in, closer.


Until a breath is the only barrier between my mouth and hers. Every muscle in my body is tensed, straining with the effort of holding myself back from finally,finallyknowing the sweet give of her lips, the taste of her.

I want it.

I want her.

But if she doesn’t want this too—

Her hands slip higher, one easing over my shoulder and the other around to the back of my neck in a move that’s tentative and sweet and definitely not a no.

I stop fighting.

I give in to the need for that single taste, my mouth covering hers in a soft press. It’s the barest rub, a lingering contact I feel through every fucking inch of my body.

I draw back, my heart pounding like I’ve just come off the ice instead of engaging in one of the tamest, most potent kisses of my life.

Our eyes meet and, Christ, it’s right there. Everything she never lets me see. Everything I want.

We collide, our mouths coming together in a hard crush. Nothing tentative, nothing gentle. It’s like a flash flame, burning past reason before it even has a chance to take voice.

Her hands are fisting in my shirt, my hair. Her body pressing into mine and bowing back as I devour her mouth.

We can’t get close enough.

Can’t stop to breathe.

Can’t stop touching and tugging, until somehow, I’ve maneuvered her against the wall.

“Axel,” she gasps as I leverage the position, pulling her knee up my side and rocking into her.

I don’t know what’s better, the heated friction between us or the needy way she says my name.

It does something to me.

Makes me want to give her anything, everything she needs. Makes me want to—

A tiny squawk stops us cold. My mouth is frozen over the silky length of her neck, one hand gripping the generous curve of her ass, the other cupping her breast. Her fingers are knotted in my hair, her body arched into mine.

Our eyes meet.

Another little grunt sounds through the monitor, detonating the bubble we’ve been in. We jerk apart, straightening hair and clothes.

Fuck, what was I thinking?

* * *