If she were going to stay, he would.

Chapter 8


Axel looked gutted leaving for the road trip this morning, but after a few quiet words to his boy and a squeeze to my shoulder that I’m pretty sure was more reassurance for him than me, he made it out the door.

And for a beat, I stood there, holding Otto and staring at the space where Axel had been. It was nuts, but after all the time we’ve spent together this past week, knowing I wouldn’t see him was weird.

I hadn’t expected to feel that way.

Maybe I should have. We’d been working as a team for a week straight. And suddenly it was just me and Otto.

Our day didn’t really change. We did the same things we usually do… I read stories and sang. Gave him a sponge bath and fed him. We cuddled and took naps on demand.

But I guess I’d gotten used to little things like sharing meals together. Axel’s color commentary on the state of Otto’s diapers. How he’d started scoring himself on time and accuracy when changing Otto’s outfits. Talking, even if it was mostly about when the last bottle had been given and if there was anything to add to our nanny wish list.

Tonight, I put the game on and have dinner while I watch and Otto listens. It’s close and physical, but in the end, the Slayers win. When it’s over, I find myself calculating what time Axel got home after the game the night before and wondering if we’ll hear from him.

I’ve about given up when my phone pings with a text.

Axel: You up?

Me: We are.

A second later, a video call is coming through.

I answer. “Hey, good game tonight.”

Axel is walking through his hotel room, his hair gelled back. Tie loose and collar open just a small, tantalizing bit. Objectively speaking.

“Thanks. You guys watched?”

“I chatted with Otto about it over dinner. He offered some lip-smacking and a few grunts that I’m sure meant he was impressed.”

Axel sits back and—

“Are you inbed?” That’s totally his headboard.

He raises a brow and looks around. “Umm, yeah? But I’m video-calling my baby, not looking to score some show-me-yours-and-I’ll-show-you-mine action. Besides, I have a roommate. Grady could walk in any time.”

I can feel the heat creeping into my cheeks. “Right. Of course.”

Hehmms, eyes narrowing. “Nora, you’re a babe. And once upon a time, I was absolutely trying to score. But now?”

“Now, I belong to Otto?” I tease, but for a heartbeat, I think about what it was like, once upon a time.

“Never going to let me live it down,” he scoffs with a chagrined smile.

It’s my turn tohmm. Because really, that’s about all I’ve got after catching my mind slipping into forbidden territory.

He barks a short laugh and shakes his head. Then holds up a cold pack I hadn’t noticed until now. “I need to ice my knee. You okay if I do iton the bed?”

I nod, and we both relax.

“Thanks for playing the game for him.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s not exactly a hardship to watch the Slayers play while I work.” I set the phone up so he can see Otto, but Axel shakes his head.