Sensing Axel’s eyes on me, I take a step back and nod to the couch currently covered in broken-down boxes. “What’s the deal with this, anyway? I mean, you shouldn’tsleepwith him on the couch, but if you’re awake, it’s okay to sit there.”

Axel’s brows furrow. “I didn’t know about the sleeping-on-the-sofa thing.” He turns to me, a sort of hesitant look on his face. But then he shrugs. “Not like you’re going to think any less of me, so… Boomer, my teammate, brought a couple of bunnies back here after the club last week, and—”

“On the couch?” I cough in shock.“All four of you?”

I knew he was a player, but a foursome?In the living room?

“What, n—”

“Why wouldn’t you use your bed? It’shuge. How does that even work?” Then my hand comes up, and I give my head a hard shake. “Wait, no. Don’t tell me. I don’t want details.”

I don’tneedthem because suddenly my mind is going a million dirty miles an hour. I can’t believe, once upon a time, I thought this guy might be interested in somethingromanticwithme. That I’d actually been falling for all his smooth lines and letting him reel me in with his too-easy conversation. I can’t believe I was a breath away from agreeing to a movie at his place whenthisis what he does on his couch.

Except, now I’m wondering if this is what happens on his couch, then what happens in his bed?

And those noises I’ve heard through the wall. Just how many people were there?

A panicky feeling washes over me. What if he doesn’t wait until the month is through before his next orgy? Will I have to listen? Will I see?

Fingers snap in front of my face.

“Are you done?” When I don’t answer, he rolls his eyes at me.Him.Axel.At me.“For the record, it was not the four of us on that couch. I went to bed,alone, in the room that you might note does not share a wall with your old one. But they were all still up. And the next morning… I found some panties between the cushions.”


I blink, memory taking me back to that afternoon five months ago. I can still feel the heat burning up the back of my neck. The way my belly did this sort of rollercoaster flip. I can still remember the single hard pound of my heart as I wondered what this gorgeous monolith of a man was doing giving me his attention all week, acting like he might just stand with me by our mailboxes all day. How my body swayed into the space,the connection, between us as we talked and talked and talked.

I thought,This!This was what I was missing. What I was waiting for.

He asked me what I was doing that afternoon. If maybe I’d be willing to forsake our usual mailbox hang-out, and—

And then that shriek cut through the air, followed by the clack of heels so high on a body so stacked I couldn’t believe the woman behind it all was able to walk without toppling over. Next thing, she was plastered against Axel’s side, her dragon-long nails splayed across his chest as she pressed her tits around his arm and rubbed them back and forth.

Axel’s eyes had flared wide before something like resignation filled them, knocking me back and cutting that imagined connection clean. He’d smiled at her. Warmly. And asked her what was up with the same unrushed attention he’d just been giving to me. Her eyes cut to mine, a smug look in them as she went to her toes like she had a secret, then giggled that she left something in his apartment the other night.Something intimate.And she didn’t want one of the other girls thinking they were hers.

I finally got why he was talking to me. I got why his flirt was so effective.

This guy was a grade-A player. And I’d been about to be played.

Flash forward to now. “Again with the panties? Seriously, how often do women leave their underwear at your place?”

He sighs. “It happens. Sometimes they want an excuse to come back. But I gave that pair to Boomer at practice, so the girls won’t be coming here for them.”

“What, like there was only a single pair between them?”

“Ahh, more like Crystal and Kansas sort of came as a pair. It’s kind of their thing. I mean, so far as I understand it.”

“So far as you understand it.”Riiight. This is nuts. “Okay, so I get why you want Otto clear of the unclean seating. But speaking practically, think you can find any forgiveness in the couch’s future, or is it dead to you forever? In which case, I suggest you get a new one.”

He frowns. “What would you do?”

“I wouldn’t have invited Crystal and Kansas home with me.” Obviously. “But I’d clean it.”

Axel’s eyes narrow on the offending furniture.

Whoa. I take a step back, hoping I haven’t inadvertently grazed it walking by. “Then again… I don’t really know this Boomer guy… or what kind of good time he’d be getting up to.”

“We’ll replace it.”