Page 66 of Royal Omega

“You better not,” she says weakly. “I need you. All of you. And you’re going to have to bite me if I’m going to get through this.”

I hesitate at that, glancing over Carissa’s head at Ransom. He’s frowning.

“Sweetheart, we’d love nothing more, but you’re in your heat. You might not be able to think clearly —”

“I’m never going to be thinking any more clearly than I am now,” she snaps. “And if you don’t bite me, I’ll find someone to go through my heat with whowill.”

Ransom growls at that and moves closer until we have her pressed tightly between us. She lets out a low moan. “Where is Beatrice? I need this nest or I’m going to spontaneously combust. And where is Conrad?”

Ransom’s eyes narrow. “Conrad... We weren’t planning on —”

“He’s in your pack, isn’t he?”

“He is but —”

“Then he needs to be here. It’s my first heat, I’m going to need all of you. Don’t even think about backing out now. I’m a ferocious animal.” She snuggles closer to my body as she says this, and I smile down at her.

“Whatever you need, princess,” I tell her. Then I look up at Ransom. “Go get Conrad.”

“Henry...” Ransom sighs.

“I know, but I’m not going to tell her we won’t have him with us. He’s the reason we’re all here. He may be a mess, but he’s our mess. If we leave him out of this, we’re saying it’s over. Are we ready to be completely done with him? Really? Or do we want to work on this?”

“But what if she’s uncomfortable? He’s been half-hating her for weeks now.”

“I don’t fucking care if he hates me or loves me at this point. He has to be with us,” Carissa interjects.

Footsteps sound in the hallway, and we turn to see Beatrice running toward the doorway. “Ok, we’re ready, come on.”

We follow her out into the hallway, where Randy and the other omegas are watching.

“Good luck, honey,” Randy whispers as I carry Carissa past him.

“Thanks, Randy,” she murmurs without looking up at him. “Thank you all.”

“First one of us to go into heat this season,” Beatrice says, shaking her head. “And it’s not easy, I know. We all know. This way, ok?”

She leads us to one of the unoccupied bedrooms in Carissa’s suite. There’s no base scent here; not Carissa’s or anyone else’s. Three mattresses are stretched across the floor, all covered with fitted sheets. Pillows line the walls. Blankets cover the windows. There are some very small twinkle lights strung across the center of the room.

At the sight of this place, Carissa relaxes in my arms, her breathing evening out ever so slightly.

“I put the shirts over the pillow cases,” Beatrice says in a low voice, gesturing to show me. “You can try lying her down there and see if she’ll curl up while you get organized.”

Carissa clutches me, pulling herself closer. She whispers in my ear, “Please don’t put me down.” Her breath is hot, and then I feel the wet slick of her tongue against my skin.

“Fuck,” I hiss. “We’re gonna need... I have to...”

“You’re going to rut, I know,” Beatrice says. “We’ll stock the fridge, and keep the cameras out. Like Randy said, good luck. We’ll be thinking of you.”

“Conrad,” Carissa whispers before nibbling on my ear lobe. My knees are starting to get weak. “I need Conrad, too.”

“I’ll find him, honey,” Randy says from the hallway.

“We’ll send him in when we find him,” Beatrice says. “For now, I’m going to leave you in the capable hands of your pack, ok?”

“Ok,” she whispers. “Thank you, Beatrice.”

“You would do the same for me, kid,” Beatrice says with a wink. And then she closes the door, leaving us in the semi-darkness of Carissa’s new nest.