Page 55 of Royal Omega

Beatrice grins as she strolls back to the group. “Great minds think alike,” she says as she sits down beside Randy and snuggles up against him. He throws an arm over her shoulder and pulls her tight to his side.

“I love this outfit,” she says to him in a quiet voice. “You’re only getting more talented.”

“Shut up,” Randy says, purring as he snuggles closer. “You’re ridiculous.”

“I think the packs are coming,” Julia says, nodding in the direction of the mansion.

Sure enough, there are teams of alphas striding across the field toward us, accompanied by Willard, Jenn, a couple other producers, and several cameras.

“Oh my,” I whisper.

“Amen,” Randy murmurs.

The sunlight hits the alphas, highlighting their features beneath an array of suits, tight tank tops, and fashionable dresses. Each of them is dressed to accentuate their finest features.

Despite myself, I find my eyes scanning the group for Pack Five. I’m not too surprised to find that the three of them are walking far apart: Henry on one side of the group, Ransom in the middle, and Conrad all the way on the other side. All of them are wearing grim looks that somehow only make my heart pitter-patter faster. It seems like they still haven’t settled on an agreement regarding... well, me.

Once everyone is set and standing on their marks, Jenn announces that it’s time to start.

Williard gives us his usual dazzling smile. “This week, our dates are going to be building lemonade stands and selling to the public. The winners will receive a special night’s stay on Alcatraz. And here’s how we’re going to pick the teams.”

Willard brandishes a velvet bag trimmed in gold thread. “In this bag, I have the names of three lemonade stands. Each of you will pick a lemon from the bag, and that lemon will have the name of your assigned stand. Let’s start with the omegas. Since there are only four packs remaining, and five of you, we’re going to have to double up omegas on one of the stands, so don’t be surprised when two of you get the same flavor, all right?”

Julia approaches first, pulling out an object that looks like a fridge magnet, shaped like a lemon. She turns it over and reads, “Pink Lemonade.”

“Can you hold it up for the camera to read, please?” Jenn calls out from the background.

Julia nods, and puts her hand back in the bag, still holding the lemon. This time when she pulls it out, she holds it up to the camera and says very stiffly and clearly, “PINK LEMONADE.”

Beatrice goes next. She gets “STRAWBERRY LEMONADE,” which she practically shouts into the camera. Jenn lets out a disgusted tsk as she gestures for Willard to move on.

Randy’s assignment is also “STRAWBERRY LEMONADE,” which he says with a whoop, throwing his arm around Beatrice again and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Cindy gets plain lemonade, which makes her pout. When she shows her lemon to the camera, the producers don’t try to get her to say it with a less bratty voice, so I’m guessing they already know what angle they’re going to take with her in editing.

I’m last, and I get “Ginger lemonade.” I”m actually a little disappointed that I didn’t get doubled up with another omega; it might have been nice to have someone else act as a buffer, especially when I’m still trying to figure out how to feel about Pack Five.

Willard takes our lemons back and drops them in the bag. “Now for the alphas!” he says with great excitement.

We all watch with bated breath as the alphas start to pick their assignments. Pack Four, the Southern boys, pick Cindy and the plain lemonade. Pack One, the soldiers, get the strawberry lemonade. They seem excited about the prospect of two omegas, and from the way some of the other packs are glancing their way, I think there might be some jealousy there.

I bite my nails as Pack Two reaches into the bag. We’ve black-rosed each other, so technically we’re not supposed to have any more dates, but it seems like the producers are hoping for some drama today, so they’ll probably allow it.

They’re boring as fuck, no getting around it, but maybe I can sneak some rum into their lemonade and we can have fun again like we did the other day. The idea that I might have to sell lemonade with Conrad right now seems almost impossible.

So of course, Pack Two picks pink lemonade. Shit. I glance over at Conrad, who is watching me closely, though I’m having trouble reading his expression. Is he angry about this? Happy? Indifferent? He might as well be wearing a mask for all he’s telling me.

At least Henry is smiling at me encouragingly, and Ransom looks thrilled. Still, this is going to be a super weird day.