Page 33 of Royal Omega

I lean across the table, an aggressive growl rising in my throat.

“Conrad,” Henry says. “Don’t.”

“She deserves it,” I snap. “She deserves everything she has coming to her.”

“What is happening here?” Carissa asks, her expression so innocently confused that I almost believe she doesn’t know. Almost.

“You’re the reason my parents died, Carissa. You and your fucking family.” I point at the camera. “And now everyone in the world is going to find out just how evil the Castle family can be. I was going to be subtle about this. I was going to... It doesn’t matter. It’s clear that you have no remorse whatsoever for your actions.”

“What actions?” Carissa asks, shaking her head. “You’re not making any sense, Conrad.”

“Maybe we should leave this for later,” Henry says, touching my arm again. “We can talk about it privately.”

“Privately? Why the fuck should I do anything privately? So she can get away with it all over again? She could have reached out to me at any time in the last twelve fucking years if she wanted to talk privately. She could have done so many things to make this easier. She didn’t. Probably because she didn’t think sheneededto.”

“I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about,” Carissa says. She looks at Ransom, worrying her bottom lip with that innocent expression that fooled me so many times. “Is he ok?”

Ransom hesitates, looking back and forth between us. “I’m not sure that he is,” he says at last.

My anger and betrayal reach new heights. I tighten my hands into fists. I’m moments away from flipping this fucking table over. Maybe that’s exactly what I should do. My hands close on the lip of wood in front of my plate, and I’m getting ready to hurl it into the air when a glass dings across the room, and Willard gets to his feet.

“Thank Christ,” Ransom murmurs.

“This isn’t over,” I hiss at Carissa.

“You’re damn right it isn’t,” she snaps back.

“Quiet please!” one of the producers calls out.

Willard smiles at us, his ghoulish grin blinding even at a distance. He dings his glass again, clearly for the cameras. “Hello everyone! I’m so glad to see you enjoying each other’s company. That’s what we’re here for, after all.” He claps his hands together gleefully. “Now, as I said, we’re not going to send anyone home today. But it wouldn’t beOmega Girlswithout a little first day surprise, now would it?”

He nods to the double doors at the front entrance, and two waiters step up on either side, grasping the knobs, but not turning them.

“We asked our fans to vote on their favorite omega who didn’t make a connection on the show. Over a hundred thousand votes came in, and they chose someone to return to the competition!” He signals to the waiters and they open the doors.

A small brunette in a tight cocktail dress strides into the room. She looks familiar, but it takes me a moment to place her. Carissa doesn’t have the same problem. “Oh my god,” she says. “It’s Beatrice, from last season.”

“Hello, everybody,” she says, putting her hands on her hips and posing for a camera that has clearly been placed front and center for her use. “I’m back.”

Everyone starts applauding, cheering, excited to see Beatrice. People rush forward to introduce themselves or to welcome her back.

In the confusion, Carissa grabs hold of my arm and pulls. I let her lead me out of the dining area, up the stairs, and into her suite. I guess it’s time for the big confrontation. I’m ready. I’ve been waiting for this for twelve long years.