Ducking my head to avoid the kisses they clearly planned to bestow on me, I say farewell, and head back to my suite. A camera is hot at my heels until I walk through the door and slam it in his face.
I lean back against the solid wood, blowing out a low breath. I had planned to strip out of my clothes and get in the shower. I’m sweaty and flushed from all the time outside, and this dress needs a wash even more than I do.
But almost immediately, I realize I can’t shower or change or relax until I confront Conrad.
I reach up and unfasten the mic from around my neck, placing it carefully on the table by the door. Then, bolstering my courage as much as I can, I turn and walk back out into the hallway. It’s only a few steps to Conrad’s door. My heart pounds harder, the closer I get. I raise my hand and knock, swallowing hard as I hear footsteps approaching on the other side.
Then the door swings open, but instead of Conrad or Henry, it’s the tattooed third alpha standing there, broad and beautiful with that warm and spicy smell that begs me to press against him. His hair is wet from the shower, and though he’s wearing a tank top and gym shorts, he has a towel draped around his neck as if he wasn’t quite done drying off when I knocked. The ropes of his arms are covered in ornate, swirling tattoos that beg for caresses from my fingertips.
At the thought, a lump appears in my throat, and a rush of moisture warms my panties. Fuck, he smells good.
“Oh. Um, hi,” I say.
“Hello,” he replies, his eyes crinkling with interest.
I wonder what he would do if I stepped into his arms. I wonder what he would say. I swallow hard as his amber eyes flick down over my body; I must look horrible, my dress wrinkled and sandy, my hair pasted to my scalp with sweat, my skin flushed from being in the sun. I lift a hand to my hair, smoothing it self-consciously.
The alpha leans against the doorway, his body casual and dangerous. “Something I can help you with, princess?”
He has no idea.
Chapter Twelve - Ransom
Iopen the door anddraw in a breath. Carissa is standing there, her incredible scent wafting over me. The smell is heightened by her time in the sunshine, and it’s fucking mouth-watering. I would guess she’s getting close to a heat because I’m about to go into a rut just smelling her... though there is a faint trace of the other pack on her skin, pepper and lilacs and something else I can’t quite identify. I hate it. Its presence makes me want to grab her, throw her over my shoulder, and scent her until she cums.
“Oh,” she says softly, her lips forming a perfect circle that I cannot help but picture wrapped around my cock. “Um... hi.”
“Hello,” I reply, crossing my arms and leaning a shoulder against the door frame in an attempt to seem casual, despite the boiling lust pumping through my veins. “Something I can help you with, princess?”
She gulps, and the action draws my attention to her throat, smooth and unmarked. What I would give to sink my teeth into that tender flesh; to make her mine in every way. To connect our minds as I thrust my cock inside her. To hear her cry out my name with pleasure.
“Is Conrad here?” she asks at last.
I’m surprised when I’m hit by a tinge of disappointment. I’ve never been jealous of my packmate before; usually, an omega looking for one of us would mean that we might all be getting what we need. But Conrad’s obsession has disconnected us, and I don’t feel as sure of him as I have in the past.
And knowing what I do about their history, Carissa’s interest in Conrad doesn’t bode well for any of us.