Page 49 of When Sparks Fly

“But... I’m not a kid anymore. Men just seem to keep on going with their sex lives, but what if I can’t...satisfy him? I’d be mortified.”

The thought sent a chill through her. Vickie hated feeling vulnerable, and the idea of literally being naked and...failing? She didn’t know if she’d survive the humiliation.

Iris huffed out a snort. “Men get the benefit of millions of dollars in science research to take care oftheiraging issues. Old guys can’t get it up? Here’s a blue pill! Women dry up? Oh, well, there’s always younger women. It sucks.”

Cecile, usually so bubbly and upbeat, fixed a stern look on Iris, and then Vickie. “Bullshit. I mean...yes, science favors the men, just like everything else does, but that doesn’t mean we’re helpless. There are products out there to help...keep things moving. Everything takes more time, but if you use that time creatively, sex at our age can be better than ever.”

Vickie and Cecile didn’t have a lot in common, other than the book club. But she felt a new surge of affection for the woman. Cecile and Charlie, from all accounts, had always had a spicy, adventurous sex life. And Cecile often hinted that it was still very much that way. So ifshecould do it, then so could Vickie. Maybe.

Cecile started to chuckle. “Just make sure you wear your glasses when you’re shopping for lubricants. I picked up a bottle of something that had the wordfireon the label. I thought it was a normal warming oil, but they were referring to an additive that made myhoohahfeel like I’d just literally set it on fire.” She laughed out loud now. “We had to stop everything and go clean up with cool washcloths. We laughed so hard we cried!”

Vickie and her friends laughed at Cecile’s story. Then she sat up abruptly, realizing she’d just broken a promise she’d forced on Gordy.

“You can’t tellanyone, girls. Seriously—I made Gordy promise not to kiss and tell, and now I’ve gone and done it. If I hear any rumors going around town, I’ll know where they came from.” She pointed at each of them threateningly, but they didn’t seem at all intimidated. “I don’t want people laughing at me.”

“I don’t tend to go around telling people about my friends’ sex lives,” Iris huffed. “But I do want to live vicariously through your suddenly interesting love life.”


“Let’s face it,” Iris replied. “You’ve been hanging out with some real snoozers the past few years. The trivia-playing college dean. That wine competition judge from California...”

“Oh!” Cecile added. “Don’t forget that obnoxious attorney from Rochester who was on the hospital board with you. He barely spoke to anyone when he was in town.”

“Speaking of attorneys...” Maura brushed her short hair behind her ears. “What’s happening with my grandson and our matchmaking efforts? Zoey told us he wasn’t interested, but Mike never said that.”

Cecile perked up. “Hey! Why don’t we set them up on a date with each other and see—”

“I tried that,” Vickie said. “But Zoey said there’s nothing there but friendship.”

Maura sighed. “It’s too bad. Zoey’s always felt like part of the family. But I’ve never picked up on anything between them.”

Cecile grabbed her bag and stood. “Well, I think they’d be adorable together.”

Mike and Zoeywerespending a lot of time together. And Zoey said she’dthoughtabout it. Vickie would have to keep a closer eye on those two.


MIKEDIDN’TUSUALLYneed help coming up with riddles and dad jokes—that was kind of his specialty. But coming up with a joke while reaching out to the best friend he’dsleptwith two days ago was new territory for him. Zoey had been so adamant that they keep everything quiet from their friends and families, so that Hazel wouldn’t find out. Friends with benefits, that’s all they were.

Really good friends. With some spectacular benefits.

That night of the storm, he and Zoey had nothing short of life-altering sex. And it was allheridea, which somehow made it even hotter. When he’d opened his door to see her standing there in the doorway to her room in the skimpy little nightie... His body responded so fast that it was a miracle he’d been able to walk down the hall to her.

The hottest dreams he’d had were nothing compared to the actual feel of her in his arms. The fires her fingertips created everywhere they traveled. The soft, needy whimpers that rocketed through him like lightning bolts. And being inside her, feeling her warmth and...

Mike got up from his desk and started pacing his office. He had a real estate closing in half an hour and he couldn’t walk in there with a teepee in his pants. It had only been two days, but it felt like an eternity since he’d touched her. He needed to see her tonight, even if only to talk. Like old times.

We’ll never be the same again...

He raked his fingers through his hair, then curled his hands and tugged on it in frustration. He hadn’t liked hearing those words from Zoey, but she wasn’t wrong. He had a hard time imagining that anything would ever belike old timesbetween them. But they’d promised to try to keep the friendship intact. He needed to keep things light. He started tapping on his phone.

M: What do bird couples call each other?

There was a long pause, and he wondered if she was on a service call somewhere. Or had he made a mistake using the wordcouple? A floating bubble finally appeared.

Z: No idea

He grinned, crossing his fingers that he wasn’t crossing a line. Wherewerethe lines? Did theyhavelines now?