All was silent.

She sheathed her dagger again, lifted the latch, and pushed at the door. Montagne had warned her the door might squeal when opened or stick, as it was so rarely used. But when she pushed against it, nothing at all happened. The door would not move. Alex stepped back, but the only light she had filtered in from the arrow loops a few feet back and up.

She couldn’t tell if the door was locked or if she had not lifted the latch high enough. She tried again, and again the door did not budge. Montagne and Leroy were definitely in place now. Tristan was most likely inside. Everyone was waiting on her, and she couldn’t get the damn door open.

Throwing caution to the wind, Alex lifted the latch as high as she could and shoved her shoulder against the wooden door.

Nothing happened.


“HAVE YOU SEEN ALL YOUneed to see?” the captain asked after Tristan had stood pretending to look through the viewing hole for several minutes. In reality, he was listening for any sound to indicate that Alex and Montagne had managed to move Leroy into position.

Not that the three of them in position would matter if the captain continued to stand guard over him. He needed Dewhurst.

“Another moment or two,” Tristan said, stalling. He put a hand to his chin and stroked it thoughtfully. He heard nothing in the turret that would indicate Montagne was leading Leroy to him. But then the point was for them to move silently.

“And now?” the captain asked after three or four minutes had passed.

“I...” Tristan didn’t know what to say. How many times could he ask for another moment?

“Sir!” One of the guards tromped up the stairs behind the captain.Merde. If the guards were returning to their posts, the league would have no chance.

“What is it?” the captain asked, turning.

“The wine merchant is here with the delivery.”



“Yes. Should I send him away?” The guard’s eyes flicked to Tristan, and Tristan hastily looked back at the cell door.

“No. Tell him to go around back.”

“He wants to be paid, Captain. He says if he isn’t paid right away, he’ll take it all back to the warehouse.”

The captain made a low noise in the back of his throat. “I’ll be there in a moment.”

The guard nodded and clomped back down the stairs. The captain gave Tristan an impatient look. “Are you quite ready, citoyen?”

“Not quite. If you don’t mind, I need just a few more minutes.”

The captain sighed. Clearly, he did mind. And clearly, he did not want to lose his monthly ration of wine.

“I will return in five minutes. Do not go anywhere else. Stay right here.”

Tristan waved an arm, dismissing the order. “I’ll be here when you return.”

The captain turned on his heel and rushed down the stairs. Immediately, Tristan went to the turret door and yanked it open. But no one waited there.


FIRST HER HANDS, NOWher shoulder. Alex blew out a breath and stepped back as far as she could from the door without losing her hold on the latch. She rammed the door with her shoulder, feeling a shock of pain reverberate through her, but also, thank God, feeling the door move slightly. Just to be certain she was not imagining things, she peered at the casement. Indeed, there was a sliver of space.

She rubbed her shoulder and rammed the door again. Then again. Finally, she was able to stick her head partway through. The room was empty, which was fortunate. Unfortunately, someone had placed a heavy crate in front of the door. She couldn’t tell what was inside, but whatever it held was heavy and solid.

Now that she had the door open slightly, she did not need to hold the latch. She leaned all of her weight on the door and felt the crate move slowly out of the way. Feeling she had lost far too much time, she squeezed out of the narrow opening in the door, banging her nose so that tears welled in her eyes.