“Am I distracting you?”


“Good.” She made no move to dress. “Did you return the pass yet?”

“No. It is in my office. I’m to return it to Robespierre personally, and he was not available today.”

“Then we can still get it.” She lifted the shirt and let it fall over her head.

“I don’t think you understand. My office is in the Tuileries.”

“Then we will go to the Tuileries and retrieve the pass before I take you home. Honoria can make the copy tonight, and I’ll return the original to you in the morning.” She pulled the trousers on and buttoned them. Now she needed boots, a coat, and a hat, and not only would she look like a boy, she’d be able to move freely. It was liberating not to have to wear her corset. She was small-breasted and did not need to bind herself under the shirt, so she was free in more ways than one.

“Do you understand what you are saying?” Tristan asked, frowning at her. “The likelihood we will be caught is—”

She held up a hand. “Probabilities are for gamblers, and I never gamble.”

“Why is that?”

“Because the game is always fixed.”


“That’s exactly my point,” he said. “The odds are against you.”

She was extremely vexing when she refused to listen to reason, which seemed to be most of the time. Even worse, he’d been led by his cock instead of his brain the last hour or so and hadn’t really paid enough attention. Did she really think she could traverse the roofs of Paris to see him back to his apartments? Did she really believe she could access the Tuileries? The Committee of Public Safety rarely slept. Someone would surely be there or nearby and catch them.

“No, the odds are in my favor.” She pulled a coat over her white shirt. He didn’t think she looked remotely like a man in those clothes, but then he knew what she looked like under them. He supposed others might be misled if they did not look closely. “The government doesn’t expect anyone to try and access the offices of the committee. The entire populace is trying to stay far away. They won’t be prepared for such an eventuality, which makes our task all the easier.”

“You think it will be easy?”

She put a cap over her short, blond hair and started for the door, motioning for him to follow. “We only need to access your own office, correct? You know where the pass is and where your office is. Yes, I call that easy.”

“I call it suicide,” he muttered, following her out of the room. The door opposite opened, and Montagne looked out.

“I’m taking him home now,” Alexandra told him. Montagne’s gaze shifted, then returned to her.