“It’s an easy disguise. After all, you weren’t looking for a woman with long hair.”

“How do you know I was looking for you at all?”

She stopped and peered up at him. “Because I can’t be the only one who wonders what might have happened if we hadn’t been interrupted last night.”

He took a breath and began to walk again. “You received my note.”

“I did. And I’ve come to invite you to my house for dinner.”

He knew what her invitation entailed and it was no innocent dinner. “When?”

“Tonight. Come an hour before curfew.”

He shook his head. “It’s too risky for me to be out after curfew.”

“If you decide to sleep at home, we’ll make sure you arrive there without being seen.”

His heart pounded in his chest at her use ofif. Was that an invitation to share her bed? No matter. He could not risk being caught at her house if the guard decided to search residences.

“I will arrive two hours before curfew and leave twenty minutes before.”

“I won’t be home and my neighbors will all talk more than they do about what a loose woman I am.” She pulled away from him. “Trust me, Chevalier. It’s better if you do as I say.”

“You really give me no choice.”

She shrugged.“C’est la vie.”She started away, obviously having said all she intended.

“It doesn’t suit you,” he said, causing her to pause and give him a perplexed look over her shoulder.

“The wig.”

“Really? Most men prefer me with long hair.”

“It doesn’t suit your face.”

She smiled. “Most men don’t look at my face.” She blew him a kiss and walked away. Within moments, she was gone. He knew she couldn’t have disappeared, but it was still disconcerting how quickly she could blend into the crowd, even a sparse crowd, wearing a scarlet cape.

And so tonight was when he would fully turn traitor. He’d always wondered how the famous traitors—Brutus, Fawkes, Arnold—had made the decision to turn their backs on their country. Now he knew it was not one decision but a thousand tiny ones.

He turned back the way he had come. He had committee work to be done before he betrayed the republic.