She nodded, and her gaze dipped to his lips. The hard pulse of arousal that look shot through him caused his hand to flex on her cheek. Her skin was soft, and he could not help but wonder if she was that soft all over. He wanted to kiss her again, and this time it had nothing to do with the republic or gaining her trust and everything about wanting her as a man wants a woman.

He heard a thud above them. “No kissing on watch!” a voice called down.

She smiled and looked up. “We aren’t kissing, Dewhurst.”

“Not yet.”

“Stubble it,” another male voice muttered, probably Hastings, Tristan surmised. “I don’t care what they do as long as they do it quietly. I’m sleeping.”

“I care!” Dewhurst argued. “I’d rather not be taken by patriots while she has her fun in a haystack. He’s a rebel, Alex. The enemy.”

“Thank you, my lord,” she said sweetly. “I promise to behave.”

He muttered something that sounded likethat I’d like to seeand all was quiet again.

She sat back and trained her gaze on the door. “He’s right. I do need to keep watch and stay alert. You, monsieur, are quite the distraction.”

“And you, citoyenne, make it difficult for me to resist. But I shall endeavor to behave honorably for the next few hours.”

To his amusement, she sighed. “That sounds perfectly boring.”

“You do realize you make no sense. You claim you do not want me to seduce you because you believe I have nefarious purposes in mind, but then when I promise to behave, you are still not satisfied.”

“I’m a woman, Monsieur Chevalier. I do not have to make sense.”

That was true enough, and it only made him admire her a little more. How sorry he would be to send her to the guillotine.

But he would send her nonetheless.


Tony woke her beforethe sun was up. He was his usual charming self, waking her by giving her a nudge with the toe of his boot. When she didn’t move, he nudged her again.

In the head.

She was up then, but her swipe at him just missed. He climbed down the ladder before she could try again.