Alexandra grasped his hand. “You can’t stay here. It’s too dangerous. No one has seen Ffoulkes. He is safe, but you are known.”

“I’m not staying here.” Tristan raised her hand to his heart. “But wherever you go, I go too.”

Alexandra stared at him, then shook her head. “That’s not—”

But Dewhurst slammed a fist on the side of the cart. “And this is why I always saydon’t sleep with the enemy! We haven’t time for poetry and declarations of love. Alex, you’re with the king, the marquis, and Honoria. Chevalier, you’re with the locksmith and me.”

“Alexandra?” Tristan locked eyes with her. She would have to choose between him and her precious league.

“I’m sorry,” she said, tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry.”


Alex stared at Tristan, seeing the love in his eyes so plainly she didn’t know how she could have missed it before. He loved her. How could she have doubted it? And she loved him. And this was the worst possible time for that realization, but their time was now or never.

She looked at Dewhurst, his expression dark and foreboding. “I’m sorry.” Then she looked at Ffoulkes. “I’m so sorry. I’m not traveling with the king. I’m for London with Tristan.”

Tristan pulled her in his arms even as Ffoulkes and Dewhurst swore.

“What a bloody mess,” Ffoulkes muttered. “Honoria, let’s take a look at those papers.”

Everyone around them was speaking and shuffling papers and passports. Alex hardly noticed anything. All she knew was that she was in Tristan’s arms, and she’d never have to leave.

“I couldn’t let you go,” he said. “I love you.”

She pulled back, and his face was blurry through her tears. “I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say those words.”

“I know the feeling.”

She laughed. “I love you too, Tristan. I love you.” She pulled his head down and kissed him. As soon as their lips touched, there was nothing in the world but the two of them. She kissed him with all of the emotion and longing she’d felt, all of the love she thought he’d never return.

“Ahem. I hate to interrupt, but the curfew won’t wait.”

Alex heard the voice, but it sounded so very far away.

“No rush. Only a matter of life and death.”