But Dewhurst didn’t speak. He was looking at Leroy. “You’ve probably guessed we’re not soldiers. We rescued you for the work of the Scarlet Pimpernel.”

“The Scarlet Pimpernel! I thought he was a myth.”

“He’s real, and he can take you safely out of Paris. We’ll ask one favor of you first.”


Tristan pressed his lips together, sure the man would not feel so eager once he knew he would have to enter the Temple.

“Our friends will decide when to reveal that to you, but right now, we have to find shelter before curfew. If I remove your bindings, will you go with us willingly?”

“Of course.” Leroy turned, and Dewhurst removed a dagger from his boot and cut the bindings.

“Let’s go.” Dewhurst started back he way they’d come.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere you won’t leave if I find out you’re the traitor I think you are.”


JUST AFTER CURFEW THEYarrived at the Cimetière des Errancis. The cemetery stunk of the dead, the smell of decay only slightly muted by the limestone thrown into the mass graves where the victims of the revolution were buried. Tristan covered his nose with his sleeve and followed the dark shape of Dewhurst. He must be mad indeed to follow the man into a cemetery, but at this point he would have followed the man anywhere if Alexandra might be waiting at the end.

Leroy was much less eager. The poor man must have dreamed of a thousand things he would like to do if he ever gained his freedom from La Force. A trip to Errancis had probably not been one of them.

All the way here Tristan had not been able to think of anything but Alexandra. His mind had gone over and over every possible scenario until he had wanted to scream with rage and frustration. He hadn’t felt this helpless since—

No. He couldn’t allow himself to believe she’d been taken or harmed. But she was the most likely of all of them to be captured. She didn’t generally hide in the attic. She might have opened the door to the soldiers or even been caught moving about the house. If she could have sacrificed herself so the others could escape, she would have done so without a second thought. Where was she now? Had she been taken to La Force? Or perhaps she’d gone straight to the Conciergerie?

Tristan tripped over a rock and jumped, imagining it had been a skull. “Dewhurst, I’ve had enough. Where are you taking us?”

When Dewhurst didn’t answer, Tristan froze. “I won’t take another step until you tell me where you are leading us.”

Leroy seemed torn between following Dewhurst and taking a stand with Tristan. But finally he slipped past Tristan, head down.

“Stay out here, if you want,” Dewhurst called as he began to move into the darkness, toward a mausoleum with a stone angel on top. “But then you won’t see if Alex made it out or not.”

Swearing, Tristan followed, stopping short when Dewhurst tapped on the large stone sealing the entrance to the mausoleum. Tristan, Leroy, and Dewhurst stared at the stone. Then Dewhurst tapped it again.

“They’re dead,” Tristan muttered. “They can’t answer.”

“Citoyen,” Leroy began, his voice full of concern.

But then the stone slid against the base of the mausoleum, and a sliver of darkness became visible.

Tristan took a step back. It was foolish to fear spirits. He didn’t believe in the supernatural, but neither was he eager to see who lay inside the grave.

“Tristan!” Alexandra stepped out of the mausoleum. “Hurry inside!”

His heart clenched so painfully he almost bent double. She was safe. She was free. He hadn’t lost her. “Alexandra!” His voice was hoarse with emotion. His throat tight and his legs gone suddenly weak. He reached for her, touching her, pulling her hard against him.

Dewhurst moved behind them, grumbling as there was really not room for three. Tristan didn’t care. He had her in his arms again. Finally, Alexandra extricated herself. “I must push the stone back.”

He helped her, and then they were alone in the passage with only the flickering candlelight. He cupped her face and kissed her, then looked down at her, knowing the chances he would lose her only increased going forward.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

He shook his head. This was no time to tell her he’d just realized he was in love with her.