“First rule of staying alive,” she murmured. “Always know all the exits.”

She pulled the door open, and two men stood on the other side.

“Second rule”—she said, slamming the door shut again—“is know when to run!”


Alexandra looked fromone door to the other. They were surrounded. Damn it! She should have kept watch. Instead, she’d given in to sleep, and now she’d better think quickly or she’d be sleeping for a long, long time.

“Here’s what we do,” she told Chevalier, who looked rather stunned. Clearly, he was used to making decisions on paper, not in the heat of battle. “I’ll go out and lure the men one way. You run the other way. You have to get to Paris. If you can, find Dewhurst. He can sneak you into the city.”

Chevalier’s shoulders squared. “I will not run while you stand and fight. Do you think I’m a coward?”

Alex shook her head impatiently. She did not have time to argue with him. “No, but I have more experience in this sort of thing, and you are too important to risk.”

Something thudded against the door, and Alex could only assume the men outside were attempting to kick it in.

“I am too important? I’ve already told you I won’t be part of your scheme to rescue the boy.”

“Yes, but we’ll change your mind.” She rushed to the door. “Now, are you ready? On the count of three, I’ll open the door. As soon as you have an opening, run.”

“You are not in your right mind,” he muttered.

The door shuddered, and Alex had no more time to convince him. “One, two”—she pulled the door open—“three!” She kicked out, and her foot struck the chin of the man closest to the door. He fell back, and she shoved Chevalier. “Go!”

The second man rushed her, and she sidestepped, jumping behind him and kicking him in the lower back. He fell forward, his head thudding against the stable, his rifle clattering to the ground. By then the first man was on his feet again...and facing off with Chevalier.

The idiot could not even follow simple directions! Now she’d have to save him.

He had his fists up, as though he were in a boxing match. Meanwhile, his opponent, blood streaming down his chin, slashed at him with a knife. Chevalier backed up, until he was pinned against the stable.

Alex pivoted and kicked the knife out of the man’s hand before he could move in close to Chevalier. She was about to throw a punch, but Chevalier’s eyes widened. “Look out!”

She turned in time to jump out of the way before a third man could grab her about the waist. He lunged at her and she dodged back. From the corner of her eye, she saw Chevalier throw a punch at his opponent. She ducked, feeling the air from her opponent’s punch tickle her neck. That had been close. One punch from him and she would be out. The best way to deal with him would be to make him chase her, then hit him with something hard when he came around a corner.

Alex backed toward the stable, praying she could find a board or a rock when she rounded the corner. As she’d hoped, her opponent went after her, but once around the corner she didn’t have time to look for a weapon. The other two patriotic peasants were headed right for her. Alex turned and zigzagged in time to avoid being caught by the first man trailing her. She tripped, rolled to the ground, and reached into her boot for her dagger. When she came up, she threw it. Her aim was not as good as she’d hoped, but she hit the closest of the three men in the shoulder.