
HONORIA FELT A STRANGEsense of disorientation. She had seen the princess walking in the garden just yesterday. Today this Mademoiselle de Lambriquet appeared in these lodgings, looking remarkably like the imprisoned daughter of the late king and Marie Antoinette.

“No,” Laurent said without asking any question. “Absolutely not.”

“We already told her nay, but she willnae listen to reason.”

“She’ll listen to me. I’ve known you since you were a child, Ernestine, and your father would not want you to do this.”

Honoria felt as though everyone had been having a conversation, and she’d just walked into the room. “Who is her father?” she asked. “I don’t understand why the plan has changed.”

Laurent turned to her, his mouth tight. “Mademoiselle de Lambriquet is the natural daughter of King Louis XVI and Philippine de Lambriquet, a chambermaid at Versailles. When her mother passed away, the king and queen adopted her. She has grown up alongside the royal children.”

“They are my brother and sister,” the young woman added. “And I will no longer walk free while my dear sister languishes in prison.”

“I cannot allow you to trade places with Madame Royale. Do you know what that will mean? You may be imprisoned the rest of your life. You may be sentenced to death and die by the guillotine,” Laurent argued.

Madamoiselle de Lambriquet’s set expression did not change. “Then so be it. I will gladly die if my sacrifice allows the blood of the Bourbons to survive.”

“And if Madame Royale refuses to trade places?” Laurent argued.

Madamoiselle de Lambriquet smiled wryly. “We both know she is not that selfless.”

Honoria swallowed hard. She loved her country and her king and queen, but she did not know if she would have been willing to do what this young woman was willing and eager to do. But then Ernestine de Lambriquet knew the dauphin and the princess and loved them not as figureheads but as her siblings. Honoria looked at Laurent and knew she would sacrifice herself for him.

That was what love meant.

Laurent plunged his hands through his hair, obviously trying to think of a new argument to dissuade Mademoiselle de Lambriquet. But Honoria would rather not waste any more time. “What is the new plan?” she asked.

“The marquis takes three of us into the prison via the secret passage while one of us waits outside and keeps watch,” Lord Anthony said. He seemed eager to move ahead as well. Honoria imagined he’d already heard all the arguments put before Mademoiselle de Lambriquet and knew she was resolute in her decision.

“If the National Guard has not found the secret passage and blocked it,” Laurent murmured.

“Once inside, we hide in the underground dungeons until dusk falls.”

“This is unchanged,” Honoria remarked.

“Now comes the change,” Sir Edward said. “Since we hae two lasses, Miss Blake an Miss de Lambriquet will go tae Madame Royale’s cell. The marquis knows where it is an knows the princess, so he’ll escort them, playing the role o’ a guard.”

Lord Anthony picked up the explanation. “The ladies will play the role of maids and bring fresh linen into the cell. While they are inside, pretending to change the bedclothes, Miss de Lambriquet and the princess change clothing and the princess leaves with Montagne and Honoria.”

“You have the necessary disguises?” Laurent asked.

Sir Edward tapped the woven basket he’d set at his feet. It was as high as his knee and resembled a sort of hamper. “In here.”

“Then I take Madame Royale and Honoria back to the dungeon. Who is waiting there?”

“Dewhurst,” Sir Edward said. “I’ll be the one waiting ootside an making sure we hae a vehicle to whisk the princess tae safety.”

“I’ll deposit Madame Royale in Mackenzie’s safekeeping,” Sir Anthony said. “With Mademoiselle de Lambriquet in her place, no one will know she is missing. No one will search for you, and you should have a much better chance of escaping to Austria and then on to Vienna.”

“But once they discover the dauphin is missing, they will be after us,” Laurent said. “Which means there’s no point in leaving Mademoiselle de Lambriquet behind.”

Dehwurst and Mackenzie exchanged looks. “The Pimpernel does not think we stand a chance with both children. He wants Madame Royale safely away before we try for the dauphin.”

“No.” Laurent fisted his hands, his face turning red. “I won’t leave him.”

“You hae nae choice, man,” Sir Edwards said. “Austria hasnae agreed tae take him. Only the princess.”