“Oh!” Her body shook, and Laurent knew it would take very little for her to climax. His task would be to prolong it, make herla petite mortsomething she would not soon forget.

“I thought your innocence was a memory,” he said. “Have you never sat before a man with your legs spread?”

“No,” she gasped as his fingers—two this time—slipped inside her damp sex.

“Have you ever had a man’s fingers inside you?” He stroked her, deeper this time, then crooking one finger and pushing upward.

She gasped and convulsed, but before she could come, he withdrew. “I think the answer is no. I think your other lovers were in too much of a hurry to explore you fully.”

“Lover,” she said, meeting his gaze. “There have not been legions.”

No, he hadn’t thought she would give herself to many men, but the revelation that he was only the second gave him pause. She was even more an innocent than he’d expected.

“There is only me now,” he said. “And for me, only you.”

She nodded, and he did not know if she understood his meaning. He was not certain he understood it. Was he saying he wanted no other women after her? He certainly did not even want to imagine her with another man. He would ruin her for other men.

There was so much he could show her, so much pleasure he could give her. If a man had not touched her like this, had one ever put his tongue on that tight little bud? He would have to try it, to taste her and feel her come apart against his lips.

But for now he wanted his mouth on those dark, jutting nipples. He leaned forward, his fingers delving inside her again, his thumb against her small bud. He put his mouth on her breast, warming it with his lips, feeling the satiny texture against his tongue. His fingers slid in and out, while his thumb moved in circles. Honoria’s breathing grew more rapid and she arched her back. He took a nipple in his mouth, sucking lightly and rolling his tongue over the thick point.

Her hips began to move, and he slowed the work of his fingers, moving in a leisurely fashion until he could feel her body straining harder and harder for the pleasure just beyond her reach.

“Patience,” he murmured against the soft flesh of her breast. “I know what you want. You shall have it.”

“Now,” she begged. “Please.” Her hands were in his hair, her nails raking the back of his neck.

Patiently he slid his lips to her other breast, taking that nipple in his hot mouth and scoring it lightly with his teeth. She swelled against his tongue, and his hands shook as he moved his fingers against her sex.

Her hips moved again in a rhythm he knew well, a rhythm he desperately wanted to be part of. But he kept his movements slow and contained, drawing back when she grew close to climax and giving her more when she grew discouraged.

Minutes that felt like hours dragged on, their bodies so close, his mouth on her breasts, her shoulder, her lips. His fingers learned the shape of her tender flesh, learned what she liked, what drove her mad. A sheen of perspiration dotted her flesh, the light salty flavor on his tongue when he finally gave her release.

He rolled his thumb over that little bloom, then rubbed upward until her cries grew frantic. She pressed hard against his hand and he allowed it, keeping his touch light as her cries grew louder and louder. He might have tried to silence her, but he did not care if she was heard. The sound of the pleasure ripping through her gave him pleasure. The feel of her muscles contracting hard against his fingers as she pulsed against him over and over again was almost enough to satisfy him.

With a strangled cry, she fell back onto the bed, her lush body glistening pink with her release.

One look at her, and he knew he wanted more. He wanted her skin against his. He wanted to be inside her when she came again.

Laurent reached for his cravat.


HONORIA’S BODY FELTheavy and limp. She lay in a daze, her skin tingling from her toes to her fingers and back down again. What had Laurent done to her? He’d tormented her for what seemed like hours, keeping her on the verge of she knew not what. And then her entire world had shattered into a thousand tiny, glimmering lights. Everything sparkled like raindrops on leaves after a rainstorm. She sighed and might have curled into a ball and slept if she hadn’t felt his hand cup her thigh.

Honoria opened her eyes and blinked at the picture Laurent presented above her. He really was the most beautiful man, especially now with his hair mussed and his eyes focused so intently upon her. “Don’t fall asleep,mon ange.”

My angel...When had he started to call her that? She liked it, though she was far from a perfect angel. Their scandalous behavior a few moments before was testimony to that.

“Maybe just a cat nap,” she said. He’d loosened his cravat, and the burnished skin of his throat had caught her attention. She didn’t feel quite as sleepy.

“I think you will want to stay awake for this,” he said, shrugging off his coat. “You will enjoy it.”

She blinked. “I don’t think I could possibly enjoy anything more than what happened a few moments ago.”

“Must you challenge me at every turn?”

Honoria smiled. “I was not challenging you. Are you...disrobing?”