She stepped back slightly, wary. “And what is that?”

“That we are more than merely allies in this mission to save the prince and princess.”

“You said you considered me a friend.”

“I do. I’d like to consider you more.”

“That won’t happen.” Her hands flew to her hips and her chin lifted.

He didn’t move, merely raised a brow. “Why not?Youkissed me. Passionately.”

“Stop saying that. It didn’t mean anything.”

“It felt as though it meant something.”

“Like what? I’m not in love with you!”

“Shh.” He put a hand to his lips, and she glanced up at the ceiling.

“Well, I’m not,” she said more quietly.

“Perhaps a bit in lust?”

She gave him a narrow stare. As she was facing the light from the window, he could see how her eyes cooled. “You really do have a high opinion of yourself.”

“You mean to say you don’t find me the least attractive?”

“That has nothing to do with anything.”

“Then answer the question.”


“Why not? Afraid the answer will be yes?” Now he rose, slowly, like a large cat might move when stalking prey.

“What I find you is most impertinent.”

“I can be impertinent. I won’t argue.” He stepped toward her. “But I’m attractively impertinent.” He moved closer, and she was forced to press her back against a cask of wine. “Tell me the truth, Honoria. You kissed me because you wanted to know what it would be like.”

“No. I kissed you because I was happy at that moment.”

He inclined his head. “You continued to kiss me because you liked it. Because you lusted after me.”

“I do not lust.”

He put one hand beside her shoulder on the cask and leaned his forehead so it almost touched hers. The sweet smell of her, the feel of her hair brushing his cheek, the pout of those full lips made him slightly dizzy with lust. “You liked the kiss.”

“It was acceptable.”

“Do you want me to kiss you?”

“No!” She sounded terrified by the idea.

“Then don’t challenge me. Admit you liked it.”

She sighed and blew out a breath. “Fine. I liked it. It was...nice.”

“Nice.” He flinched. “You wound me.”