And yet, she’d kissed him. He’d been taken almost completely off guard when she’d leaned close and pressed her lips to his. He didn’t know what he’d done or said to deserve such a gesture, but he would have done it again in an instant if she would only kiss him again.

Laurent hadn’t thought about how long it had been since a woman had kissed him or even touched him. Just the feel of Honoria’s body next to his half aroused him. But it was more than just any woman’s body or any woman’s kiss. He’d felt something different when she’d kissed him. Perhaps it was because of the danger they’d just escaped. Perhaps it was exhaustion or pain. Or perhaps he was just half in love with the bravest woman he’d ever met. Whatever it was, he’d never shared a kiss so innocent and yet so erotic.

“When can we leave?” she asked, her voice low.

Clearly her thoughts did not run along the same path as his, although he could appreciate her restlessness. He too wanted to be taking action, not sitting here waiting.

“At dark.”

“But the curfew—”

“Not that late. We wait until the wine shop is flush with patrons and then escape. If we wait too late, the owners might need another cask from the cellar. We don’t want to be discovered.”

She was silent, and he closed his eyes. Lately, whenever he rested, his mind traveled the corridors and rooms of the Temple. He wanted to remember every inch of it as though he’d been there just yesterday, not several years before.

“I wish I could sleep. Every sound I hear makes my heart jump.”

“The Guard has given up by now,” he assured her, though he had no proof of that. “Next time we know better than to try and cross the city in daylight.”

“Do you think you were recognized?”

“The driver probably suspected us since we left very near my rooms on the Boulevard du Temple. If I were smarter, I would have summoned a carriage farther away.”

Her hand came around his arm and squeezed reassuringly. “It’s a mistake. We all make mistakes.”

“I make more than most.”

Her hand on his arm tightened, then released. “Why did you tell me all of that earlier, about your past and all of your...sins?”

“Perhaps I wanted you to know what you risk your life for.”

“Perhaps you want me to think you have changed.”

He leaned forward and looked into her face, which was a mistake, of course, because even in the dim light he was dazzled by her beauty. “Men do change.”

She made a sound of disbelief.

“Now it is my turn to ask a question.” When she didn’t respond, he forged ahead. “Why did you kiss me?”

As he’d predicted, as soon as he spoke the words, she moved away from him. The space where she’d pressed against him felt incredibly cold and empty.

“I meant it as a friendly kiss.”

“It was certainly friendly.” It was too dark to be certain, but he thought her cheeks colored.

“I was merely relieved that we had escaped. I meant to kiss you on the cheek, but I missed.”

He gave her a long look, but she did not meet his gaze.

“And since you missed you decided to kiss me passionately?”

“I didn’t kiss you passionately!” Now she jumped up and moved away from him. He had definitely struck close to the mark. “I kissed your lips, and that was all. It was a friendly peck.”

“A peck? I have kissed friends with a peck. I didn’t open my mouth or grasp their clothing and pull them closer.”

“Are you trying to embarrass me?” she asked, facing him with her hands fisted at her sides.

“No. I merely want you to acknowledge what I have.”