“FR?” Laurent supplied helpfully.
Ffoulkes scowled at him. “You ignored a direct order and went back for the dauphin, endangering all taking part in the mission. As a result of your...arrogance, Miss Blake was captured and the princess’s escape was put in jeopardy.”
“Now wait just a moment,” Mackenzie said, hands on hips. He’d returned only hours before after rendezvousing with another member of the League and transferring the princess to his custody for the last leg of the journey out of France. “The princess was never in jeopardy. I kept her safe enough.”
“My apologies,” Ffoulkes said to the large Scot. “There is no question as to your abilities, Sir Edward.”
“But there’s some question as to Montagne’s intelligence,” Dewhurst added. “He risked all our lives by going back for the dauphin.”
Honoria, seated at his side, held up a hand. “And how was Laurent to live with himself if he did not at least try to rescue the boy? Louis Charles is like a brother to him.” Her face had turned quite red, and as Laurent knew she still was not entirely recovered from her ordeal, he put a hand on her arm.
“Mademoiselle, please do not tax yourself on my account.” He looked at the room of the Pimpernel’s agents. “And they are correct. It was foolish of me to go back. I am determined to free His Majesty, Louis XVII.” Laurent would do anything to save the little boy, but he could also see the wisdom in taking the time to plan the king’s rescue. There could be no room for error. “We will save him, but I am not willing to risk losing you.” He took Honoria’s hand and kissed it.
Dewhurst rolled his eyes. “Not more of this. If I have to witness one more lovesick look from either of you, I’ll cast up my accounts.”
Alexandra Martin elbowed him in the stomach. “You’re just jealous because you have no lady to exchange looks with.”
Dewhurst snorted. “If I had a lady, I wouldn’t waste my time exchanging looks with her.”
Ffoulkes cleared his throat. “As fascinating as this conversation is, might we return to the point? Our leader, FR if you will, has directed us to move locations. We can’t stay too long in any one spot without arousing suspicion. Miss Blake and Montagne have requested to stay in France and work with the League until the dauphin can be liberated. FR has left the decision up to me, and I have decided to put it in your hands. Do we allow Montagne to join our ranks and Miss Blake to stay in Paris? Or do we send her back to England and Montagne to...” He looked at Laurent, brow raised.
“I go where she goes.” He kissed Honoria’s hand again.
Dewhurst made retching sounds.
“Show of hands then for all who vote for the couple to stay.”
Laurent looked around the room. No one moved, no one’s eyes met his. Finally, Alex raised her hand. “We can use Honoria’s forgery skills.”
Mackenzie raised his hand as well. “Her documents held up against scrutiny at every checkpoint. Marie-Thérèse might be in revolutionary hands and ma neck under the blade of the National Razor if not for the lass.”
“That’s two,” Ffoulkes said.
Hastings, who had returned from his last mission while Laurent and Honoria were at the Rue de la Corderie, raised his hand. “I don’t know either of them well, but we can always use a good man.” He nodded at Honoria. “Or lady.”
“That leaves you, Tony.”
“I say send ’em home.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t trust him.”
Laurent gave him a cold stare. He hadn’t counted on Dewhurst’s vote, but he didn’t appreciate the man’s implication that Laurent would turn traitor.
“What about you, Sir Andrew?” Honoria asked. “Would you prefer we go?”
Laurent held his breath. He had made his choice and would go with Honoria, but he would rather not be forced to leave Louis Charles behind.
Ffoulkes looked at her for a long moment, then glanced at Dewhurst. The two were obviously old friends, and Laurent could not read the silent exchange between them.
Finally, Ffoulkes said, “I think you should stay. Both of you.”
Laurent squeezed Honoria’s hand. He would see the little king free of the Temple after all.
Ffoulkes continued, “We may need you for what FR plans next.”
“And what is that?” Alex asked.
Ffoulkes smiled at her. “Funny you should ask that, Miss Martin, because it involves you.”