“And you, sir,” Lord Antony nodded at Ramsey. “I had heard you were in Paris.”

They were approaching a small rowboat, and Ramsey realized that Lord Antony intended the party to board it. He wondered why he had not considered that as a means of escaping Paris before.

“We must hurry,” he said to the comtesse when she handed her daughter to Gabrielle before taking Lord Antony’s hand and boarding the small vessel. The child made a small, weak sound of protest, which Gabrielle soothed away, and then she handed the baby to her mother again.

Ramsey realized this must be goodbye. He had not thought how he would part from Gabrielle, what he would say, and now there was no time for all that he wanted to say. He was glad Gabrielle was leaving now. He wanted her safely away before Madame Fouchet’s assistant could do her any harm.

“I’m not leaving,” he said before she could climb on board. “I have business yet in Paris.”

Her eyes widened, but before she could speak, Lord Antony said, “Neither of you are coming with me. Three traveling together is a family. Four is suspicious.”

Gabrielle nodded. “I understand.”

But Ramsey didn’t. He wanted her out of Paris and safe.

“I will send word to Sir Andrew, who will take you out of Paris safely,” Lord Antony told them.

Ramsey nodded. “The sooner the better. Paris grows more dangerous every day.”

“You should not tarry, Lord Antony,” Gabrielle said. “Bonne chance.”

He inclined his head and turned toward the boat where the comtesse and her daughter waited. Before he could reach it, Ramsey strode forward and caught his arm.

“A private word, Dewhurst.”

Lord Antony scowled, but Ramsey pulled him a little ways down the quay. “You told Gabrielle you could get a message to Ffoulkes.”

Lord Antony’s eyes narrowed. “What’s that to you, Sedgwick?”

“I have a message for him.”

Lord Antony gave him a steely stare. “Say on.”

“He’s been compromised, suspected of being the Pimpernel.”

Lord Antony blinked. “And you know this how?”

“I can’t answer that, but—“

Dewhurst grabbed him about the throat and shoved him against the wall behind them. “You bastard. You betrayed him, didn’t you?”

Gabrielle rushed forward. “What’s wrong?”

Ramsey held up a hand. “Stay back.” His gaze met Lord Antony’s again. “I’m trying to help.”

“I never trusted you. Never.” His grip on Ramsey’s neck tightened.

“Then you have good instincts. Get Ffoulkes out before it’s too late.”

Lord Antony’s gaze shifted to where Gabrielle stood watching them, her hands locked together before her. “Ffoulkes is the only man in Paris who can get her out at the moment.”

“Where’s the rest of the League?”

Lord Antony scowled at him. “That’s not your concern.”

“I’ll get her out,” Ramsey said, disentangling himself from Dewhurst’s hold. “I vow she will return to London safely.”

“If any harm comes to her,” Lord Antony said, voice low and menacing, “you will dearly regret it.”