“You have the bracelet, Gabrielle.” He patted her pocket, and she felt the weight of it brush her ribs. “One more step and the comtesse and her daughter will be safe.”

“And then we’ll be safe as well. Safely out of Paris.”

And their association would end. But it was already too late to keep her heart safe. She watched as he lifted the lamp and held it in front of him as he began walking.

She stood in the enveloping darkness for a long moment and listened to her heart beat, knowing that heart was already in far too much danger.

Chapter 16

Sunrise in Paris was something Ramsey had always enjoyed. Unlike London’s foggy mornings, dawn in Paris was bright and clear. As he and Gabrielle trudged quickly toward the house, fingers of red then orange and finally pink streaked across the indigo sky until at last they gave way to a shimmer of blue.

They had found an old door that exited into the cellar of what appeared to be a restaurant. The establishment was not open yet, but they had to tiptoe around a sleeping boy, who was probably supposed to be keeping watch. He was no worry for two thieves. They silently unlatched the back door, crept outside, and latched it again. They’d found themselves near the Louvre, which meant they were blissfully near Alex’s.

Once glance at Gabrielle and Ramsey was glad they would not be in public for long. Her disguise did not hold up well in the light of morning. Something menacing tugged at him. He kept turning to peer over his shoulder, expecting an enemy to be crouching there, lurking, waiting to pounce. The sooner he delivered the artifact to La Force, the better. He felt the curse of le Saphir Blanc as though it was something tangible.

The curse had not denied him Gabrielle. But shouldn’t he be satisfied now? He’d touched her, been inside her, possessed her completely.

But one glance at her, one glimpse of her tangled tresses hanging about her shoulders or the sway of her hips in those maddening breeches, and he wanted her again.

She glanced at him, met his gaze, and slid her eyes away.

She was all business now. The comtesse was her priority, as she should be.

But after they saved the comtesse…

It was still hours before they would be admitted to the prison, and as it was unwise to roam the streets, Gabrielle suggested they return to the house to wait and make themselves presentable. He sighed as they turned onto Rue Saint-Honoré and started the last leg toward Alex’s. After they freed the comtesse, he had to warn Ffoulkes—if Madame Fouchet’s assistant hadn’t gotten to him yet. But it took some time—even for the most trusted informants—to have arrest warrants drawn up. He would find Ffoulkes, warn him that he’d been compromised, and then consider himself absolved.

Gabrielle could return to England safely, and he…

What would he do?

If he didn’t deliver the name of the Scarlet Pimpernel, he wasn’t safe in France. The assistant had made it clear she wouldn’t mind sending him to the guillotine. And he couldn’t go back to England. He’d be hanged for making false claims and impersonating the heir of the Earl of Sedgwick. He didn’t know what was worse—hanging or decapitation.

America was looking better and better…

They’d reached Alex’s town house, and he followed Gabrielle around the back. It was early, so they were quiet upon entering, hoping not to wake Alex. But she stood by the door, waiting for them.

As soon as they entered, she peered out then shut and locked the door. “Were you followed?” she asked.

“No,” Ramsey answered. “What’s wrong?”

“I had two domiciliary visits last night. I was sure they were searching for you, and then this morning I received word of a break-in at the Hôtel de Ville.”

“Already word is out?” Gabrielle sounded astonished.

“This news didn’t come through normal channels. I doubt it will be made public at all. Robespierre won’t want the fact that his office was rifled to be made public knowledge.” Alex looked at Gabrielle. “Did you get the bracelet?”


“Good. The comtesse—“

“Yes, we know,” Ramsey interrupted. “I took these from Robespierre’s desk as well. Her name is listed there.”

Alex flipped through the documents quickly. Her eyes widened. “Do you know what these are?”

“Military secrets. Take them.” Ramsey gestured with his hand. “Give them to someone who can use them.”

“We must arrive at La Force as soon as the warden does,” Gabrielle said, stripping off her coat. “I must see Toulan before the comtesse is moved to the Conciergerie.”