That was years ago, but she had no reason to think he’d changed. She would have to trust that he had changed to stay in his arms.

Which was a huge mistake. What was she doing?

And then his mouth moved to her other breast, and she knew exactly what she was doing. And she had to stop this before it went too far.

Even as the thought occurred to her, his hand delved between her legs. Her body answeredyes,even as her mind thoughtno.He stroked her, and she could feel the heat rising in her belly, could feel the impulse growing to open her legs and let him touch her, really touch her.

Abruptly, she pushed away from him and sat. “I can’t do this.”

He raised a brow, looking not at all surprised by her sudden reversal of course. “Do what?”

“This.” She gestured to the bed. “I can’t do this.”

“Madam, might I point out that you’re not actually doing anything?”

She glared at him, pushed up, and fetched the sheet. Lord, she hoped he hadn’t been watching her walk across the room—but she knew, of course, he had. “I’m consenting,” she said, wrapping the sheet about her body. “And I might begin toparticipateif this goes on much longer.”

“Pray tell, what does thisparticipationinvolve? And please go into detail.”

“You’re not amusing.”

He rose hastily, fists clenched and jaw tight, and she realized he was angry. “Neither are you. You practically attack me when we come in here, and when I resist, you stand naked before me.” He paced, speaking quick, clipped English. “And then when I capitulate, you tell me no. What the hell is this?”

She covered her face. “I don’t know. I wanted to forget what I’d seen today. I wanted to think about something else.”

“And I was a convenient distraction?”

“Yes. No!” She sat on the bed, feeling dejected. He was right. She had behaved abominably. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He sat next to her. “I want you, Gabrielle, and I think you want me too. Why can’t we give in to the desire?”

“Because…” She couldn’t tell him the truth—that she was afraid she’d fall in love with him. “I don’t trust you,” she said finally. And that was true as well. She didn’t trust him. Not only did she not trust him with her heart, she didn’t trust him here in Paris. It was too convenient that he happened to be traveling to France at the same time as she. He had too easily insinuated himself into her mission. Why was he really here? What did he really want?

Ramsey had told her she couldn’t trust him. Why hadn’t she sent him away then?

Oh, she knew why…she wanted to be near him. And she needed his help. She would not be here in this bedroom, reasonably safe, if not for him. But was she not trading one element of danger for another?

“You don’t trust me,” Ramsey said, echoing her words. “No, why should you?” He sounded bitter.

“I know you saved me today, but—“

“Don’t argue, madam.” He stood. “I’ll be the first to tell you not to trust me. You’re right to keep your distance. Just as you always have.”

He strode to the door, and she called out, “Where are you going?”

He yanked it open. “To sleep.”

The door closed with a thud, and Gabrielle fell back on the bed and closed her eyes. And she had thought marriage was difficult.

Chapter 11

La Force did not look like Ramsey’s idea of a prison, and he was a man who had thought quite a lot about prisons. He supposed most men who lived their lives one false step away from incarceration imagined life in prison. La Force did not look so bad—on the outside.

Alexandra Martin, who had insisted upon accompanying him and Gabrielle this morning, had played tour guide on the way to the Rue Roi de Sicile. She informed them, in a pompous, nasally voice, that La Force had originally been the private residence of the Duke de la Force. Some dozen or more years ago, the residence had been converted to a prison.

It still had the look of a private residence, Ramsey thought as he stood across the street, studying it. Gabrielle and Alex had walked down the street a little ways because Alex said she had a friend who lived nearby. Ramsey didn’t quite trust Alex Martin’s “friends,” so he kept the women in sight as he lounged—the pixie and the regal beauty. They made quite a pair, both dressed in redingotes and stylish hats. They looked fashionable, even in this desultory city, though Alex had been careful to make sure their tricolor cockades were pinned prominently to their coats.

Ramsey heard the clop of a carriage nearing and turned to watch as a conveyance paused outside the prison. Guards approached and took charge of a new prisoner. Ramsey wondered idly what the man had done, if anything at all.