“Don’t talk,” she ordered, and stepped into his arms.

He didn’t seem the least surprised. His mouth took hers, plundering her as though he was a pirate and she the treasure. He parted her lips, his tongue delving into her, filling her with the taste of him. He stroked her tongue with his, making her shiver, then withdrew, nipping her mouth lightly. So lightly that she dug her nails into his shoulder to force him to give her what she needed.

She didn’t want playful tonight. Tonight she wanted to be held and touched until she forgot all the horrors she’d seen today. She wanted to be kissed until she could pretend she was safe.

Though she knew she would never be safe in Sedgwick’s arms.

“Gabrielle, this might not—“

She pulled back, put a finger to his lips. “Don’t speak. Don’t warn me. Just kiss me.”

“You’re upset,” he said, stepping back. “You’re not thinking clearly.”

“I don’t want to think clearly,” she said, following him. Why was he stepping back? Why did he insist on playing the nobleman now, when she didn’t want him to? Now, when she needed a rogue more than anything? “If I think too clearly, I’ll probably dissolve into hysterics.”

“No, you won’t. You’re stronger than that.”

He was probably right, but she didn’t feel strong at the moment. And how mortifying to show him and herself how weak she truly was.

He took another step back, and she knew she had to take drastic measures. Her sheet had begun to slip, and she hauled it back up again, then paused and looked at him.

He shook his head. “Gabrielle…” But he didn’t finish, and she knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

She opened her hand, and the sheet fell in a snowy puddle on the floor. It had been far easier than she would have ever thought. She’d agonized for weeks before her marriage about the possibility of George seeing her unclothed, and then he had rarely taken the time to divest her of her shift. At the moment she didn’t feel self-conscious in the least. It was hard to worry about all of her flaws when his eyes had grown huge and he was looking at her as though he wanted to lick every inch of her.

Now that was a thought…

“We shouldn’t do this,” Ramsey said, his voice low and husky.

She took a step forward. “Why not?”

“I don’t know anymore.”

And then she was in his arms, his mouth on hers, and his hands…his hands were everywhere. She had been cold when the sheet dropped, but now she was burning up. His kisses had always had the power to drug her, and they did so now. His mouth slanted over hers, taking her in a way that gave her no opportunity for resistance. Not that she wanted to resist, but with Ramsey there was no doubt who was in control. She liked not having to think, not having to do anything but feel.

And oh the things Ramsey made her feel. Her whole body was taut with anticipation. How would he kiss her next? Where would he touch her? She tried to focus on just one thing—on his mouth.

His lips were soft but confident. One hand cradled the nape of her neck as his mouth took hers roughly. His tongue slaked along her tongue, the friction making her shiver. And just when she thought she was almost sated, he pulled away, tracing her lips with his.

And then she wanted more.

She grabbed his hair, pulled his mouth back to hers, but he didn’t oblige her. Instead, he chuckled. “Slow down.”

“Stop telling me what to do.”

“Why don’t I show you what I’d like to do?” Before she could agree or disagree, he bent and swept her into his arms, carrying her to the bed. It was only three or four steps, and her heart thudded harder with each one. Why was he not kissing her? She was starting to think. Perhaps this wasn’t…

And then he laid her on the bed and his body covered hers. She opened her mouth, ready for his numbing kisses again, but this time his mouth caressed her neck, his lips tickling her just below her ear. She started to laugh, and then his mouth moved and the laugh turned into a moan. His lips moved downward, creating a path of tingles as he did so.

When he reached the rise of her breast, he looked up at her. “I didn’t have time to take a proper look at you earlier.”

“You’re wasting time now,” she said, afraid reality would crash into the moment.

He chuckled again. “I don’t think so. I always thought you were beautiful, but I had no idea…” He lowered his head and kissed the tender skin of the top of her breast. His hand cupped her, thumb rubbing over her nipple, and she jumped slightly. “I thought you had reacted to that earlier. Or was it this?” He took her nipple into his mouth and sucked lightly. Gabrielle almost arched off the bed.

How did he know what to do with his mouth? How did he know just how to make her come undone?

This was what she had wanted, how she’d known it would be, but that didn’t stop her from being scared out of her mind. She liked this too much, likedhimtoo much. She couldn’t afford to become attached to a man again. That had been a disaster the first time. It would be even more of a disaster with Sedgwick. Everyone knew he was little better than a rake. No, she didn’t believe all the stories, but during her marriage she’d read her share of the scandal sheets. How else was she to know where her husband was spending his time? The Earl of Sedgwick’s name had been linked with every Cyprian, every vice, and every scandalous affair.