“Do you have the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel?” she asked, the corners of her mouth curving in a smirk. She knew he did not, and she enjoyed knowing that she held his ruin in her hands.

“No. As I’m certain your assistant already informed you.”

“She did, but I thought perhaps you had a change of heart, and you might have discovered it en route to London. I hear you and Lady McCullough spent a great deal of time together.Alone. Perhaps you persuaded her to reveal what she knew.”

Ramsey took two steps forward before grasping the back of a chair to stop himself from slamming a fist into her face. That would only mean a beating. She always stationed burly footmen close by, and the thugs would be on him in an instant.

“Even if Lady McCullough knew who the Scarlet Pimpernel is, and she does not, I would not have asked her for the information. I won’t betray him. Do to me what you must.”

With that he strode to the door. Behind him, Madame Fouchet stumbled to her feet. “What are you doing?”

“Leaving.” He bit the words out over his shoulder and threw the door open, startling the footmen standing guard.

“I haven’t dismissed you.”

He looked back at her. “I believe this time I dismissed you.”

He arrowed for the front door, his boots clicking on the marble floors.

“I’ll ruin you! If you walk out that door, you had better enjoy the sunlight, because you’ll hang in it by week’s end!”

Ramsey pushed aside the servant standing at the front door and threw it open. “Do your worst,” he said, not bothering to look back.

Chapter 22

“How can I ever thank you enough?”

“Comte, as I have said, there is no need. My thanks is in knowing your wife and daughter are safe.”

The comte de Tonnerre had arrived just as she’d finished a small dinner. Cressy had informed her, “One of them Frenchies is at the door.”

Gabrielle’s heart had leapt with fear, and she’d had to remind herself she was home in England. She was safe. But even as the comte thanked her yet again, she wondered how long she would be safe. If the comte knew she had returned, her creditors certainly did, and Mr. Pin, in particular, was probably none too happy with her.

“My lady,” the comte said, pressing her hand to his, “if there is ever anything you need, you must call on me. I will do everything in my meager power to help you.”

She wished he could have helped her with her creditors, but she knew his financial situation was even worse than hers. He was from an old noble family, one that had ties to George III, so she supposed he might convince the king to intervene when she was to be sent to debtors’ prison. She would still be homeless and destitute, but she would be so on the streets instead of locked up.

“You are too kind.” She rose, intending to see him out. “When your wife and daughter have recovered from their journey, you must come and dine with me.” If she wasn’t in prison yet.

“We would be honored, my lady.”

Gabrielle opened the door only to see Cressy rushing forward. “Another visitor, my lady,” she said. “This one—“

“I don’t have time for this.” Ramsey pushed his way past Cressy and into the small sitting room. It had only been a half day since she had seen him, but she wanted to weep with joy that he was still alive, still free. “I’ll probably be in Newgate by morning,” he said, taking her hand. “But I wanted to say goodbye properly. I wanted to say—“

He followed Gabrielle’s gaze, belatedly realizing she was not alone.

“Lord Sedgwick, this is the comte de Tonnerre. Comte, this is the man who helped me rescue your wife and daughter.”

“My lord!” The comte took his shoulders and kissed Ramsey vigorously on both cheeks. Ramsey’s eyes widened in shock at the uninvited affection, but he recovered quickly.

“Your thanks should go to Lady McCullough,” he told the comte. “My intentions were not at all honorable, but very soon I will receive my just rewards.” He looked at Gabrielle again. “Madame Fouchet will have sent the incriminating documents to the king by now. By morning, I will be a wanted man.”

“Then you should flee!” She grabbed his arm and tried to push him toward the door.

But he dug in his heels. “I won’t run and hide any longer. It’s time I paid for my sins.”
