
He brought her to hisbedchamber, kicking the door closed behind him, then laying her gently on the bed. She smiled up at him as he removed his hat and gloves, then came down on top of her, covering her warm, supple body with his.

Her arms went around his neck, pulling him closer, and her lips parted, enticing him to enter. Their tongues met—exploring, tasting, teasing. She kissed him more deeply and passionately, taking his breath away and forcing him to exercise willpower so as not to push up her skirts and thrust into her like an untried youth. “Slow down,” he murmured, pushing her hair off her shoulder and kissing her neck. “We have all the time in the world.”

“I wish that were true.” She took his face in her hands. “But tomorrow may be our last sunrise. Certainly the governor of the Bastille had no idea today would be his last.”

He turned his face and kissed her palm. “I’ll protect you.”

“And I will protect you. But tonight is for pleasure.” She loosened his neckcloth and tossed it aside, then pushed him up until they faced each other on their knees. He hadn’t lit any candles and most of the servants had fled, so no fire burned in the hearth. Only the light from the moon illuminated the pale skin of her face and shoulders.

She first removed his coat, then his waistcoat, then teased him by slowly tugging his shirt over his head. Her hands caressed his bare chest, exploring him as though attempting to learn the contours of his shoulders, arms, and abdomen. Her mouth followed where her hands trailed, leaving a hot, wet path over his skin. He shivered and grasped her shoulders, taking her mouth with his and kissing her hard, showing her with his tongue what he wanted to do with his body.

Her hand moved between them, finding his hard length and molding around him. He groaned as she stroked him, then freed him from his breeches. He broke the kiss as her warm hand slid up and down his erection, and he had to gulp in breaths and clench his teeth to keep from coming in her hand.

And then she bent and her wet mouth closed on his tip. Hugh jerked, seeing stars.“Mon ange,”he managed, his voice strangled as she took more of him inside her mouth.

Hugh could not take any more. He pulled her up and shoved the shoulders of her dress down. “How do you take this off? You’re wearing too many clothes.”

She frowned at him. “I wasn’t finished.”

He lifted then turned her around and began to unfasten the buttons up her back. “Your efforts, while appreciated—veryappreciated—will end this all too soon and without any pleasure for you.”

She glanced over her shoulder at him. “I’m sure you could find a way to make it up to me.”

“Another time I’ll show you exactly how creative I can be. Stand up.” He rose and removed the remainder of his clothing, then slid hers off as well. She bent to remove her shoes and stockings, giving him a lovely view of her bare bottom. He cupped it with one hand, then took hold of her hip and pressed himself against her. “I want you on your knees.”

“You shall have your wish,” she said, turning. “But not like that. Tonight I take you.” She moved, forcing him to turn as well. When his back was to the bed, she gave him a small shove. Hugh could have easily have had his own way, but he allowed himself to fall back, allowed himself to enjoy the sight of her, lovely and naked as she stood looking down at him.

She climbed on the bed, straddling him and resting her hands on either side of his head. Then she bent to kiss him, her breasts rubbing against his chest. Her mouth slanted over his, claiming him as his hands roamed over the curves of her body. His hand moved between them, cupping her sex. She was warm and wet, ready for him. His fingers tangled in her damp curls, sliding inside her, his thumb teasing the nub at the apex of her entrance.

She gasped and lifted her head, her gaze meeting his. “I am supposed to take you.”

“You will have your chance.” He thrust in and out of her, her hips moving in time to his rhythm. When she arched up, he took one breast in his mouth, sucking her nipple until it hardened to a point against his tongue.

“Enough.” She grasped his hands and pinned them to the bed with her own. Hugh gave in, only too glad he had surrendered when she lowered herself onto him, drawing his cock slowly inside her tight sheath.

It was the most exquisite form of torture, and he all but shook with the effort it took not to thrust hard and fast into her. She moved so much more slowly than he would have liked, rocking her hips and taking him inch by inch by inch. When he was finally buried to the hilt she clenched around him, then rose and repeated it all again.

“You’re killing me,” Hugh said, his voice like gravel.

“You like it,” she countered. He couldn’t argue. Watching her take him, make love to him, was the most intoxicating experience he’d ever had. And when her face flushed with her own pleasure, and her hips moved faster, he locked his gaze on hers. She rode him hard and fast at the end, her eyes dark and her lips open as she clenched around him. He would have fallen in love with her in that moment if he hadn’t already been in love with her.

She collapsed on his chest, breathing hard, and he held her for a long moment, then slid out from under her. On her belly now, she turned her head and gave him a sultry look, lifting her hips in invitation. He grasped those hips and yanked them higher, sliding into her with a cry of intense pleasure. She was so tight and he was so deep within her that his senses reeled. He moved inside her, careful not to hurt her, so wrapped up in the sensation that it took him a moment before he realized she moved with him. She moaned, her hands clenched in the bedclothes, her body thrusting back to connect with his. Hugh tried to slow his climax, but he was too close. Instead, he reached between them and found her small nub, massaging it until she stiffened and thrust back hard.

He came as she squeezed him tightly, her own cry echoing his. And when, after several moments, it was over, he turned her, took her in his arms, and held her close. “You have utterly slain me.”

“I think the whole house knows that,” she murmured.