Waiting for his response is pure torture, even though it’s only like thirty seconds before he replies.

StaleBread89: #1 fan

Oookay. That’s not bad. But it doesn’t mean it’s good either. There are people who say they are our number one fans and do some invasive stuff.

He messages again.

StaleBread89: not in a creepy way tho. Hate when ppl claim to like them and then send them shit like pizza with messages in pepperoni.

That must have been a WAC episode I never saw. But I do remember living in the townhouse and Jane once got a pizza that said Marry Me written in pepperoni.

It was creepy.

I calm down a little.

Illyana_Dallas222: Same. That stuff is super creepy. No pizza messages from me ?????

StaleBread89: Glad we’re on the same pizza page ????

I can’t help but smile. Talking to him just makes me feel good. And lately, being around Donnelly causes more hurt than happiness. Unintentional hurt, at least.

All I want is to lean into these new feelings, and so I send another message.

Illyana_Dallas222: I’m rethinking the whole Fanaticon convention ?? The actress who plays Callie will be at a panel there. Showing up in support would be cool

He replies within seconds.

StaleBread89: If u go, I’ll go

I reread it again and again.

“What’s with the smile?” Harriet asks, returning to our lab bench. “Did the exam results come back?” She immediately whips out her phone to check. “You get an A?”

“No, I don’t think they’ve released the scores yet. I’m just on a fandom site. Someone said something funny.”

“Which fandom?” Harriet asks.

“Beneath a Strong Sentiment.”

She looks at me like I just spoke Klingon. “Never heard of that one.”

“It’s a cool show.”

“Oh yeah, I don’t have time for much TV these days.” She says that super fast. A strand of blonde hair escapes her pony, and she quickly redoes it. We’re supposed to wear our hair up during lab. I have mine in four buns at the top of my head.

I don’t want to leave SB on read, so I reply quickly.

Illyana_Dallas222: I’m doing it then. Going to get the ticket tonight ??

Harriet checks her watch and then looks to me. “What other classes are you taking?”

“Just one more. MGMT 2330. It’s like a business strategy type course.” The full name: Strategies and Practices of Family-Controlled Companies

Every year, my Uncle Connor is always invited to give a guest lecture at the end of the course. I thought it’d be interesting to take a class that might have real significance in my future. But so far, it hasn’t been my top favorite.

Harriet’s eyes widen. “I’m staying as far away from Wharton as I possibly can.”

I smile at the mention of the business school.

I don’t tell her that I almost took Television and New Media, a course I actually think I’d like. But I chickened out at the last minute when I saw a Rochester teaches it. Eliot holds too much fire against that family, and I felt like it’d be a form of betrayal.

Plus, Jeffra’s dad works for Rochester Industries, and there is a likelihood she could be taking the course. It’d be my luck to pick the exact time period she’s taking the class too.

My phone buzzes just as Harriet says, “And time. Back to work.”

I quickly check the DM as she turns to the test tubes.

StaleBread89: I’ll get mine too. This past month has been a lot, so a fandom vacay could be good

I smile softly, and I decide to ask him for more details.

Illyana_Dallas222: I totally get that. My “a lot” isn’t prob as bad though. I hope you’re ok.

I wait and wait. My fingers are sweating all over my phone. My eyes graze the leather braided bracelet on my wrist. Farrow gave it to me for my ninth birthday, and I like to wear it whenever I’m on campus and surrounded by a sea of other twenty-somethings. As a reminder to always be myself. I smile at the thought when the new message pops up, and I skim the words fast.

StaleBread89: Just life problems. I’m in love with my friend, and I’m fucked up about it

I blink three times. Reread. My breathing slows. My heart shatters. And I don’t even know why. It’s not like he even knows me. But the potential, I guess, is gone. A reality door closed.

“Luna?” Harriet frowns…or maybe scowls. I can’t tell.

I don’t realize tears are forming in my eyes until Frog steps close to the lab bench. “Could we go in the hall for a second?” Frog asks Harriet. “Before people start taking pics?”

“Yeah, of course,” Harriet says, sucking slowly on her Jolly Rancher. “I’ve got this covered.”

“Thanks,” I breathe, head down.

I follow Frog into the hall and immediately pull off my fogged goggles.

“Is it Wonder Bread?” Frog asks me.

She’s an SFO bodyguard with allegiances to security, but I took a chance and told her about SB when she asked who I was messaging. I didn’t want to lie, and Frog has proven to keep secrets. She even bought a pregnancy test during the Olympics that she thought was for me but was actually for Sulli. She’s never once snitched on me.