“Person,” she corrects.

“If I’m the only person, then everyone is missing out.” I step backwards towards the door. “You have me hooked, Luna Hale. Don’t forget it.” I point at her.

“I never will.”


Sheer pain as I walk out that door and cut that short. As I go to the security SUV, Black Widow. As I wonder if we’re just meant to have these series of moments that intersect but never explode into something more.



Monday, Oct 29th

10:01 p.m.

StaleBread89: Just finished watching the big twisty ep.11… mind blown ??

Illyana_Dallas222: I have 5 mins left. Started late ??

StaleBread89: DM me when you do. Hold onto your bootstraps, Illy!

10:06 p.m.

Illyana_Dallas222: Whaaaaaaa…. I don’t even know what to feel. I’m lost inside.

StaleBread89: think of what Frost & our girl Callie must be feeling. Can’t believe neither of them knew that Callie is the most powerful evolved.

Illyana_Dallas222: No one theorized that she could switch into other dominances, but Lust is easiest for her to be in. I hate that viewers are warming up to her now just because of that. Sucks.

StaleBread89: at least she’s getting the love she deserves. But I’m high-key worried about her now.

Illyana_Dallas222: same, they basically hinted at the fact that she’s the most likely to self-destruct and turn into a Riven.

StaleBread89: Rivens are the coolest part of the show imo, so I’m hyped that they’re gonna further expand on them, since they’re essentially evolved who can’t control there dominance and then become unhinged. Threats to human society.

Illyana_Dallas222: oh yeah Rivens are definitely why humans are afraid of the new evolved species.

StaleBread89: they’re the baddies.

Illyana_Dallas222: and they’re giving the evolved goodies of the Peak a bad, bad name.

StaleBread89: there are ppl at the Peak who would def want Callie killed if they knew she could become a Riven.

Illyana_Dallas222: Frost won’t let that happen.

StaleBread89: I don’t think he’s gonna tell anyone at the Peak what she’s capable of either. He’d have to choose between killing Callie and protecting the rest of his species or protecting the woman he loves at the cost of everyone else. Hard choice.

Illyana_Dallas222: what would you do, SB?

StaleBread89: I’d go down with my love.

Illyana_Dallas222: even if it’s selfish?

StaleBread89: gotta always choose love ??

11:34 p.m.

StaleBread89: did you see the previews for the finale next week? Cast is saying it’s the biggest episode of the whole season.

Illyana_Dallas222: previews didn’t show much. Idk how the finale could beat this episode.

StaleBread89: it has to involve the fan fav Strider somehow I bet.

Illyana_Dallas222: I think you’re right. Wish we could do a viewing party together. Would be fun.

StaleBread89: it airs Nov 5th? Might be able to do voice chat with you while we watch? Gotta check my schedule first tho.

Illyana_Dallas222: I’m game! I’ll check my schedule too.



I reread yesterday’s DMs while I’m walking towards the science lab. Hallway isn’t too crowded, and I’m keeping pace behind my bodyguard. Frog is ensuring I don’t bump into anyone, especially as my phone rings.

“Howdy ho,” I answer, cell to my ear.

“Hey,” Sulli greets. “No clue if Mof or Jane already called you, but you want anything special at the grocery for tonight?”


It’s the day before Halloween.

Hallow Friends Eve IV will be kickstarting at 8 p.m. on the dot. Location: penthouse. Attire: PJs (spooky PJs = A+ effort). Vibe: super chill.

Sulli and I made construction paper invitations for our roomies and Security Force Omega. She even watched Beneath a Strong Sentiment with me and caught me direct messaging StaleBread89. Thankfully, SFO were at a bar called The Independent, so we had time to catch up alone.

I confessed how I’ve liked SB, but I didn’t mention my feelings for Donnelly. I still haven’t spoken those out loud to anyone beyond Orion and Moondragon.

And I thought about telling Sulli how SB wants to voice chat next week, but I couldn’t surface those words. I feared she’d say, that’s not a good idea, Luna. It’s why I haven’t told Eliot and Tom either.

“We’re leaving in about ten minutes,” Sulli says, her voice quiet as she asks, “It’s fucking ten, right? Or are we going now?”

My eyes grow. “You’re actually going to the grocery store?”

“Fuck, sorry, Luna. What was that?”

I repeat the question and add, “Won’t there be a ton of paparazzi?” I’m surprised, considering grocery shopping is something that even I occasionally will just leave to a delivery app. It’s just easier than being stopped in the toilet paper aisle for a selfie.

“I’m a little fucking freaked out, but I think I need to test my limits. See what I’m capable of before the bean sprout becomes a full-on watermelon. The Seasons are coming too, so it’s not just me, Kits, and Banks.”

Oh, they’re all going together. The two of us nicknamed Maximoff, Farrow, Jane, and Thatcher the Seasons.

When Sulli confided in me that she was pregnant, twinges of fear rose inside me—scared that I’d lose a friend that I’d become so close to, and there are times I feel us drifting in space. She is finding her safe landing on a sparkly planet made mostly of water—and I am still among the stars.