Uncle Connor’s eyebrow twitches whenever people curse in abundance or say things like dude on repeat.

Of course I realize that Tom is a part of Kinney’s Rainbow Brigade. My little sister created it, and I’ve known Tom enjoys their company, especially as he’s gotten older.

But Tom also happens to be in the dark about Eliot’s Pure Intentions. This plan involves a triple date. Not a sextuple date. And is that even a thing?

I don’t want to make it a thing.

My palms sweat. “Can I just see what’s going on first?”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

I text my brother: Is that you behind the menu? What are you doing at The Green Room??????

Glancing over my shoulder, I maintain serious eye contact with their table. Farrow catches my gaze, and he holds up a casual hand in greeting. He’s so nice. I have trouble being mad at him, so I wave back. I realize Baby Ripley isn’t with them (not a surprise at a club) but I assume my parents are babysitting.

My phone buzzes.

Triple date with Farrow and his friends – Moffy

That explains nothing!

I let out an annoyed breath. “Moffy is being cagey.” I start typing out another text. “Hold on, I’m going to add Farrow in the group chat.”

“Add me,” Tom says.

I do.

In fact, I add every single person sitting at that table. I compose the text. Can one of you explain why you all chose The Green Room for your triple date? I hit send.

That seemed nice enough.

The responses are quick.

I don’t trust Korey. – Maximoff

*We* don’t trust Korey – Oscar

Hey, Luna! Donnelly told us about him. I didn’t love the sound of Korey either – Jack

This was not my idea. I was outvoted. – Farrow

I slump further in my chair. They’re here to spy on me?

Tom shakes his head. “Who the hell is Korey?”

Shiiiiit. Now I have to come clean. “Um…” My phone buzzes again.

We can leave if you want. – Farrow

Were not leaving – Moffy

Protective older brother, check. Horrible texting grammar, double check.

I’m not such a stickler for grammar in messages or anything. SB makes them, and I’d never point them out because I’m sure I make some too.

Just dont think about us. Forget were here – Moffy

That’s not possible.

Tom’s intense stare draws me away from my phone. “Korey was my date tonight…or is,” I explain. “If he shows up.” I wince at Tom’s growing confusion. “I have a confession.”

Tom’s confusion recedes as he slowly keels back in his chair. “You and Eliot had some plan?”

He knows his brother too well. I nod slowly. “We were going to set you up. Are setting you up. There’s some pianist at the Sun & Thorn that Eliot is bringing tonight. Eliot also has a date. This was our triple date. Surprise?”

I wait for his reaction. His lips draw into a thin line. “I don’t get it. Why not just tell me ahead of all this? I’d have been down for a triple date.”

I let out a breath. “You’re crushing on someone. We thought you wouldn’t want to pursue anyone else.”

He shrugs and rips up a straw wrapper. “My crush doesn’t even know I exist.”

“Does he not have a TV?”

Tom laughs. “Exist in real life. He definitely knows about my public persona.” His eyes fix on the other table with the older guys. “I don’t know, Luna, maybe we should join our triple dates with theirs. If I’m being set up with some dude, I’d like Farrow and Oscar’s opinion on him. They give good advice.” He looks back to me. “Would it really be that bad?”



It’s a toss-up, but if Donnelly isn’t on-duty tonight, that means he’ll be off-duty in front of my date, unlike their confrontation at Philly Comic-Con. It feels…wrong to put him in that situation now, more than it would’ve in the past.

And I understand completely, wholeheartedly, that I’m just a friend to Donnelly. Nothing more. That’s all I’ll ever be, but I’d also like to save myself some heartache in the midst of our friendship, too.

I bite the edge of my lip.

“Pleeeease.” Tom pouts dramatically. “You and Eliot did lead me on to think this was just a friend thing.”

We did.

“Okay,” I say softly.

He beams. “Awesome.” He downs the last of the cocktail and then texts on his phone. My own cell beeps with the message.

Can we join triple dates? Don’t feel like having you guys stare at us all night. – Tom

Please say no.

My phone buzzes.

Sure, come on over. We’ll bring over another table. – Farrow




With permission from the hostess, the older guys are pushing a neighboring table together with their table. “Moffy,” I whisper, tugging on his Philly Eagles tee to draw him away from SFO, Jack, and Tom. “You could’ve told me you’d be here.”

His forest-green eyes are gentle but tough. My older brother has a gift for being the person you run to for a hug but also the person you run to for protection in a fight. “Would you have wanted me to spy on you?”