“Uh-uh, I’m not saying a thing.” She smiles more. “Just watch.”

The anticipation is getting to me. I really hope this shit blows me away. “Ready?”

She nods, cuddling up against me with my arm back around her, and I press play. Ten minutes through, I’m yelling at the TV. “No, Frost! Don’t trust Strider—what the fuck are you doing, man?!” I toss my hands in the air. “Is this the twist? Frost acts like a fucking idiot at the most clutch second and tells Strider all about Callie’s power?”

Luna is grinning. She just mimes zipping her lips.

“Strider is gonna betray Frost and Callie and take over the Peak. I’m calling it. That’s the cliffhanger ending.”

She stays quiet. She’s a resilient one. True to her desires, she’s not spoiling anything for me. Halfway through the episode, Frost is running with Callie in his arms through the mansion at the Peak. She’s overheating, her arms dangling lifelessly.

A symptom of being an evolved: their cells mutate rapidly to maintain an advanced sequence, causing their internal temperature to be higher than a regular human. They can’t regulate their body temps very well, which is why their home is on a snowy mountain. Hence, the name of their residence—the Peak.

“She can’t die,” I say aloud. “She is the show.”

“Fans on Fanaticon think Frost is the show.”

“No way,” I shake my head. “It’s her.”

Luna shrugs. “I don’t think you can have the show without him either. He’s just as important.”

Maybe. While Frost dunks Callie in an ice bath, I peer over at Luna. Her leg has escaped the comforter, and I eye the ink along her thigh that rises to her hip. I’m roped in looking at the fine-line galaxy tattoo without her panties on. I was moving around the band of her thong when I inked each line. I can’t take all the credit for its beauty. Mostly, it’s her.

I smoke on the vape, and Luna’s hand disappears beneath the comforter while the show keeps playing. She wraps her fingers around me. I flex my abs as she jerks me off slowly, and I catch her grin.

Blowing out smoke, I reach over and massage her breast, flicking her perked nipple. She squirms with a smile. I shift too, the comforter slipping to my thighs. I see her working my erection, and goodbye, Bass. It’s been nice knowing you.

My attention has zeroed in on her.

When I lean over to Luna, I suck on her tender nipple and cup her pussy. The second I start teasing around her wetness, she cries out, “Donnelly.” Her hand clenches around my shaft as she hits a high again, and I almost come with Luna. But I resist, craving to unload inside her.

She sees that I’m still hard, and she shifts her long hair, about to go down on me—but I shake my head.

Confusion pinches her eyes, and I whisper in her ear what I’d like to do to her after the show. She squirms again, nodding rapidly, and then I try to find the remote with heavier breath.

“You should rewind,” she mentions.

I do, and after I keep looking over at her, Luna suggests we get dressed since she’s distracting me from the show.

“You have to be 1000% focused,” she says strongly. “I can’t destroy your experience seeing the show in its purest form, Donnelly.”

I’d rather fuck her, but I agree, this is important. So I pull on my black cotton pants. She wiggles on her panties, and while she’s pulling on her black baggy tee, she’s saying, “Donnelly…?”

“Yeah?” I lean back, passing her the vape.

She’s about to put it to her lips, but her brows crinkle. “How come you don’t like going by Paul?”

No one really asks me that. I think mostly because I don’t put up a stink about it too often if people do call me Paul. ‘Cause then you have people like Loren Hale who won’t stop. And I sorta gave him that ammunition.

I try to figure out how to answer this.

“If you don’t want to say—”

“No, it’s not that.” I tilt my head towards Luna. “Just trying to put the words together is all.” I take another beat. “Your dad asked me if I run, and I told him yeah, I’ve run before. Around the block in South Philly, but I never told him why. Most of the time, it’d be to get away from my family and shitty friends. They’d call after me, and I figured the faster you are, the more likely they’ll think you didn’t hear them. More likely they’ll never catch you.” I start frowning. “Paul. They’d shout my name, and it’s just the name I’d run away from. Paul.” I shrug tensely. “Donnelly was what everyone called me at school. It’s the name people used who weren’t my family or bad friends. It’s the name I started introducing myself as. I like it a lot more. Sometimes, it feels like Paul is stuck in that apartment with nowhere to go.”