My heart starts racing.

What did he say? My lips part but only breath escapes.

He takes a step forward, looking me over. “Illyana Dallas?”

What? I’m frozen in shock. Did someone tell him my username? No, that doesn’t seem right. Another reason starts clouding my head. He can’t be…this can’t be…?

“SB?” I breathe out.

Donnelly puts a hand over his chest. Over his heart. My eyes well with tears that reflect in his irises.

“It’s you?” I ask shakily, so much emotion pummeling me.

“It’s been me.”

All this time. I blink but tears drip down my cheeks, and I look around at the mirrors, seeing my overcome expression in every direction again. It was him. It was always him. I could ask a million different things. How is this possible? How did he figure it out? But there’s only one question that pushes all others behind. I can’t catch my breath, not even as I ask, “You’re in love with your friend?”

He takes the antennas off his head, thinking for a second. We’re only a foot apart, but I swear I can hear the pumping of our quickened hearts. Donnelly looks down at me. “I am in love with you, Luna, and I have been fucked up about it.” Carefully, he slips the headband onto my green hair. “I can’t say what you feel for me, though.”

“Donnelly,” I say strongly like it’s been so clear, and I’m gripping his shirt now. I’m scared he’ll turn around. I don’t want him to leave. I don’t want anyone to take him away. “You made an entire galaxy for me.” I’m crying. “How could I not love you?”

He glances down at my leg. The lines of an entire universe he drew are on my body, and his eyes flood. Quickly, he rubs the tears, then holds my face with two hands, and I’m still clutching his shirt. Our gazes diving deeper and deeper, and there are some signs in our universe that are just too unbelievable to ignore.

Like a comet crashing, Donnelly closes the final space between us, and his lips collide with mine. Every sensation explodes within me. I’m spinning like the disco ball above us. I feel as bright when his tongue melds against mine and the strength of his hand cocoons the softness of my cheek.

This isn’t a simple kiss. It’s a kiss of life.

One that breathes oxygen into my lungs as I drive forward, as he holds me closer. My hands slide down his chest, and his fingers curl around my neck. Our tongues tangle in more fervent kisses, lips swelling beneath uncorked yearnings, and I only open my eyes to see the glittering light.

The light and our kisses multiplied, surrounded by our own reflections.

It’s otherworldly.


I’m flying. I’m in orbit with Donnelly, and I want to stay in his arms.

He kisses me deeper, his hands roaming underneath my dress while my fingers graze his nipple piercings.

His large palm kneads my breast, and a moan I’ve never made leaves my parted lips.

I’m swept up in new raw feelings.

I’ve never loved kissing as much as I love kissing Donnelly, and I can’t stop. We kiss and kiss and tug at each other and feel up one another like it’s our life’s purpose. He presses me up against a mirror, and I hike my leg around his waist.

He’s about to lift me up, but he stops short. We’re breathing heavy. His lips are reddened and a little green and glittery from my lip gloss. Our tears have been dried against our palms. Against the swell of passion that has been brewing for so long.

I can’t see how it could ever be bottled up again.

“Where do we go from here, Luna?” he breathes, his chest rising strongly. “Because I can’t rewind…”

He can’t rewind to what was.

I touch his fingertips to my fingertips, and I whisper, “I don’t look back.”

His reddened eyes are on mine again.

“You don’t look back,” I tell him what he once told me.

He touches one of the sparkly antennas on my head. “I’m not looking back, sad alien. ‘Cause I really want to kiss you again.”

My lungs are soaring out of my body.

“I’m not so sad right now,” I say with a nod. “I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long, long time.” It’s still trying to settle with me. He’s SB. The guy I’ve been talking to for weeks is standing right here. I keep looking. Keep trying to piece it all together. His eyes sweep me in the same frenzied state, and I wonder if he’s doing the same mental gymnastics as me.

And then my phone buzzes.

Shit. Kinney. I dig out my phone from the pocket of my dress. “Sorry, it’s my sister.”

Where are you??? If you didn’t want to come, you coulda just said so. – Kinney

My face roasts, upset with myself. “I’m supposed to meet Kinney in the attic for a séance, and I got lost and now she’s pissed at me.”