“Aden, I don’t mind driving.”

“Yeah, but I mind it. If I want to take my woman out, I shouldn’t have to make her drive. Shit, I might as well just hand you my balls now.”

“Oh stop.”

“I’m serious.”

“I am too and the world is safer without you driving.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I’m just saying that you were scary behind the steering wheel. You hate driving really. It makes you all nervous. You once slammed into the ditch because you swore a truck was coming at you head on.”


“There wasn’t even a truck there.”


“Then, there was that time you took a wrong turn and ended up on a one-way street.”


“Going the wrong way.”

“I’m getting my license.”


“And if we keep getting business like we have been, we’re getting a new car.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my little car,” I grumble, though when I look over and see how he practically has to fold himself to even sit in my Volkswagen, I can concede how he probably hates it—a lot.

“Not if you like riding in a sardine can,” Aden grumbles.

“You’re being very grumpy,” I tell him, though I’m glad. It has helped getting my mind off all of the lies—not to mention the hell that is waiting for me someday… someday soon.

“I’m sorry, honey. Let’s go get some lunch and see if we can salvage some of this day.”

“You sure?”

“Definitely. Let’s drive to the Falls. We might even get some sightseeing in while we’re at it.”

“Aden, that might be too much. You just had a major episode,” I caution.

“It’s fine. We have a babysitter and someone to watch the motel. Let’s not waste the day, Hope. Who knows when we will ever get a chance to do this again,” he says.

His words have more truth to them than even he knows. I have to confess and come clean about everything. I just need to talk to White first. I want to spend a special day with him…

It might be the only one I get.



“Have you had a good day?” I ask Hope. She seems to have enjoyed herself, but she has also been troubled all day.

“It was the best,” she reaches over the table we’re sitting at and touches my hand. She starts to pull it back, but I don’t let her.

“You’re preoccupied,” I tell her.

“Aden, I need to… well…”

“Spill it, Hope. What’s weighing on your mind so heavily. You know, besides what I look like naked.”

“God, you’re crazy. I’ll remind you that I already know what you look like naked.”

“Well it’s been awhile. You could have forgotten,” I respond, unable to keep the smirk off my face. “You might need a refresher course.”

“Course? Are you a class now?”

“Oh, now you’re talking.”


“It’s good to know you have those kinds of fantasies.”

“I’m afraid you’re losing me, Aden,” she says, her gaze studying me warily.

“Tonight, you and me. You can be the student who forgot her homework and I’ll be the teacher who has to punish you,” I tell her, my voice dropping down to a throaty whisper, as I lean across the table to get closer to her.

We’ve spent the day sightseeing through Twin Falls and now we’re at a small burger joint, just outside of town. It’s been a great day, despite our rocky start. I want to try and get closer to Hope. For whatever reason, it feels like she’s trying to keep me at arm’s length. I need to break through the wall she’s building between us. I’m hoping today helps.

“Uh… I’m thinking the answer to that is a no,” she says, her face coloring. She smiles though and I think I’d do almost anything to see Hope smile.

“Okay, if you insist you can be the teacher, but I draw the line at you paddling me. That is not happening.”

“Quit trying to embarrass me,” she grumbles.

“Honey, I’m not. I’m being completely serious with you. Actually, I think to prove it to you tonight, I’m going to demand you strip and lean over the bed and I’ll spank you until you beg me to stop…or give you something else,” I tell her, and I don’t quieten my voice. Not even when the waitress comes by and refills our drinks. Hope turns a deep pink now, and I can’t stop myself from wondering if that’s what her ass will do when I spank it.

“Aden!” she cries.

“I say go for it, lady,” the waitress adds and I lean back, smiling broadly as Hope sputters without really replying. When we’re alone again she narrows her eyes.

“I can’t believe you. You did that on purpose.”

“Did what?” I ask innocently.

“You are trying to embarrass me.”

“I like when you blush,” I tell her unapologetically. “Besides talking about having sex with your husband should never embarrass you.”

“The old Aden didn’t like talking about things in public. What happened in our bedroom was private,” she scolds me.