I don’t bother turning around. “Keep it dude, you earned it,” I sigh and walk away.

I went twelve years without seeing Gavin. Maybe if I’m lucky, it will be twelve more before I see him again.



I watch the little fireball walk away. In all my years of living in California you would think nothing could surprise me. I work with some beautiful women. I’ve slept with some amazingly beautiful women. Fuck, I worship at the feet of women in general. There’s never been a power in my life, like the power pussy has over me. I freely admit it and the closer I get to thirty the more I realize I will be a slave to the pussy forever. As I watch the red-head, with a chip on her shoulder, curves that go for miles, an ass that could make the devil beg for forgiveness, and tits you want to bury your face—or dick—in, I can hear the sound of a whip cracking in my head. I could so be pussy-whipped for a chance to have that.

Of course I’d want to gag her mouth so she wouldn’t bitch me to death. Probably with my dick.

That thought makes me laugh as I look down at the stained sweater in my hands. I give the woman one last look and then look back at the sweater. I walk down through the alley and toss it in a trash can.

It’s probably a good thing I pissed her off. I have a feeling tangling with that particular woman would be like trying to wrestle a mountain lion. I glance over my shoulder seeing if I could catch one more glimpse of her. I see her as she turns another corner and that round, pear-shaped ass disappears. I never thought wrestling a mountain lion would be fun until now.

My phone rings, distracting me from the foul-tempered, fucking stacked woman.

“Yo,” I answer without looking at the number.

“You’re late,” Aden growls.

“Hey man, I sent you a text. Several of them. Don’t you check your messages?”

“I didn’t get them.”

“Or you ignored the beep. I was telling you that my truck died. I called a tow and then I jogged to the nearest coffee place. I’ll be there soon-ish.”

“You’re a mess. All that money you make you would think you’d shell out some of that cash for a decent ride.”

“Do not badmouth Cherry! She’s amazing,” I laugh, walking into the packed Starbucks.

“She’s a broken down truck that should have been hauled off to the junkyard years ago,” Aden returns.

“She’s a classic and the only woman who hasn’t let me down,” I respond ordering a coffee by pointing to the picture and holding up one finger.

I’m really good at sign language when I want to be.

Aden is not entirely wrong. Cherry is a 1985 gray and cherry red Chevy pickup. It’s rusted in places that shouldn’t rust. It burns oil and uses gas like a bitch. But it was the first vehicle I bought with my own money. It annoys the fuck out of my parents and seems to ward off gold diggers. Which means in my book, she has my loyalty.

“She only leaves you walking, late for work and trying to hoof it in,” Aden replies, dryly.

“Whatever,” I answer, I mean there’s not much I can defend. He’s right. I still refuse to give up my truck, however.

“Just get your ass here. This movie has been held up enough. I don’t need them firing your ass and holding up production again.”

“I’ll be there. You sure don’t sound like a man who is happy with his job, A,” I respond taking the coffee from the pretty little thing with a sassy smile. I toss her a fifty with a wink. “Keep the change, sweet thing,” I tell her. I get rewarded with warm blue eyes and a deep smile from beautiful red lips that I wish I had time to taste.

“I really want this damn job done. I should have never agreed to take it on in the first place.”

“Why did you again?” I grin into the phone. I take a drink of the coffee and let out a sigh of appreciation as I sip the caffeine down. Coffee, nectar of the gods.

“Because Roberta asked me and she’s one of the few people I respect in this business,” Aden grouses.

“Someday that twisted sense of loyalty you have is going to bite you in the ass,” I warn him again for the millionth time.

“It already has. I got Gloria the lead female role didn’t I?”

“Yeah,” I laugh. “How’s that working out for you by the way?” I take a drink of my coffee still laughing because Gloria is Aden’s ex-girlfriend—not that the world knows that yet. They’re selling this movie as the crowning achievement. The power couple’s finest hour, starring in a blockbuster film together. It wouldn’t do to let the world know that Gloria Randall, the distant relative of a Hollywood legend, is in fact a two-timing, lying, cheating bitch who slept her way into every film she’s ever been in. Aden found her sleeping with his current director, which might have been a big enough betrayal, if he hadn’t already got her the part in the movie. I love Aden like a brother, but he’s kind of stupid when it comes to women. He needs to learn from me and live by my philosophy.