I’m out of the shower and dressed, once again smelling like my vanilla body wash. I’ve called Daria and asked if she could keep Jack a little longer and I’ve made an appointment with my doctor. I achieved all of this within record time. Thirty minutes, tops.

Yet, here I am standing at the front door afraid to open it, my hand on the knob and my heart beating a million times per minute.

Please don’t be out there. Please don’t be out there. Please…

I only start to breathe again when I discover no one is there. It takes everything in me not to run to my vehicle. I take the time to slap a sign on the front door and then walk slowly and calmly to my car. I don’t want him to think I’m running away—even if, in the back of my mind is the thought of picking up Jack and just chalking Idaho up as a total loss.

I’m driving off, when in my rearview mirror I see Aden walking towards the main office. I hope he reads the note.

The jerk.



I watch Hope leave, still rubbing the side of my face. To be such a small girl—a good six inches, maybe more, shorter than I am—she can pack some power. My face is still stinging. I watch her go and I try not to look at the indention of her ass that’s showing as she flees from the room. The sheet has dropped down to reveal the curve of her ass however, and my eyes can’t help but be drawn there. My fucking dick instantly goes hard again. How I can be aroused and hate someone at the same time is beyond my comprehension, but I am.

Last night is a fogged up mess. I remember parts of it clearly however, and the parts I remember the most are the ones that involve me sinking my dick deep inside of Hope. It has to be the alcohol. There’s no way she feels as good as I’m remembering. There’s no way it’s as good as I remember. It’s just my mind playing tricks on me.

Besides that, she clearly set me up. Lying in my bed waiting for me to come home. How many times have I seen that old tactic? Too many fucking times. Early on in my career, I took them up on what they offered. Seemed only fair. They wanted to break in my hotel room and share my bed for a chance to say they got a piece of Aden McIntyre’s dick? I was more than down. Later, women in my life tried it to get what they wanted from me, and it worked for a while. It worked for Gloria too fucking long. I played the game, but I never went in without a condom. Fuck, I have never in my damn life fucked a girl raw. That’s probably why it felt so good. It’s because there was no condom, not because of the girl. It can’t be because of the girl. I hate her.

I need to go talk to her and make sure she gets tested for diseases and pregnancy. I need both of those done. The last thing I need is shit like this to hit the front page. My crap is just starting to die down. The press gets wind of this and Christ! … I’ll never know another moment of peace.

I stare at the shower, almost jumping in it but I can smell her on me. Vanilla. I like it. Only because it’s a good smell. It reminds me of cookies… and eating…her… Fuck! The alcohol still has to be affecting me. My head is pounding, so it stands to reason the hangover is messing with my brain. I throw some clothes on.

I’ll shower later.

With that thought in mind I head out towards the hotel office. If she refuses to take the tests, I’ll just have my lawyer get a hold of her. He handles sharks for a living. This girl will fold like a cheap suit.

I’ll have her for breakfast…

An image of her legs on my shoulders, her pussy spread out in front of me flashes in my mind and the taste of her sweet juices on my tongue.

Fucking hell. I might be in trouble. If I can make sure she’s safe, maybe I can fuck her out of my system. Of course, as hateful as she is towards me it wouldn’t surprise me if she cut off my dick.

You would think that thought would make the damn thing shrink back down to normal, but right now I could drive nails into concrete I’m so hard.

I stomp to the office and I have my hand on the doorknob when I see the note taped on the door.

“Gone to the doctor to get tested for crabs. Change your own damn sheets!”