“Give me the fucking words,” I demand against her lips, unable to resist biting into her lower one and sucking on it. “Give them to me and I’ll make sure you get what you need, honey,” I tell her, my voice softer—though still full of hunger.

“I’m yours,” she whispers, and it sounds like a symphony in my ears—one I will never take for granted or get tired of hearing.

“Damn straight,” I respond, finally allowing my body to move and work us toward the end that we both want.



“You have the day off. You didn’t have to spend it driving me into work, you know,” I tell Gavin as he walks me toward the back door of the studio. I’m running late. I’m sure Gloria is having a shit-fit, since I was supposed to have her makeup done for the first scene, but I can’t make myself care. Last night and this morning have been the best in my life. Gavin cares about me. He’s made that clear. He’s pursued this relationship with me and I’m allowing old insecurities to get in the way.

“I wanted to take my girl to work and I’ll be here to pick you up too. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“If it’s anything like the surprise you gave me this morning in the shower…” I giggle.

“Well, I do plan on giving that one to you again but this is different, dirty girl. I’ll see you when you get off work.”

“Can’t hardly wait,” I tell him, and it’s the truth. I’m reluctant to leave him. It’s crazy and way too soon, but I love Gavin O’Leary. I was in love with him in high school, but this is nothing like that. This feels…substantial. This is real. I know who he is now and I like it. Even when he is driving me crazy, it’s a million times better being with him than it is being without him. He opens the door and I start to go in, at the exact same time Aden comes out with another man that I’ve never seen before. Gavin grabs me pulling me away before Aden has a chance to bulldoze me over.

“Damn it, Aden! Watch where you’re going. You could have hurt Casey!” Gavin yells, his voice vibrating with annoyance and anger.

“Good one coming from you, dweeb,” I laugh looking up at him.

“Quit busting my ass, woman—before I spank yours,” he says and there’s a sparkle in his eyes that makes me want to squirm.

“Sorry, Casey! I should have been paying closer attention.”

“It’s okay, Aden,” I laugh.

“Michelle was looking for you a bit ago.”

“Oh joy. I better get to work and see what she wants before Gloria has me fired for being late.”

“Have a good day sweetheart,” Gavin says bending down to kiss me.

For a minute I forget everything else, except the fact that Gavin is kissing me. Everything else disappears. Aden isn’t here with another man watching, the door to the studio isn’t standing wide open so that our relationship will be water-cooler fodder, there’s nothing. Nothing, but Gavin and his kiss. Unfortunately, Aden doesn’t like being ignored.

“Look who’s here, man!” Aden says.

“Aden has really bad timing,” Gavin grins, pulling away from our kiss.

“He does,” I whisper and I’m still smiling. I can’t quit smiling.

“Well hell. White Lucas! What are you doing in California?”

“I brought Kayla to Tahoe for vacation and thought I’d come this way for the day and see what you two were up to. I was bored, Kayla is enjoying what she likes to call a spa day. How ya’ been Gav’?”

“Good. Better than good.”

“Looks like it, with that pretty little redhead kissing you,” the man says giving me a playful wink. Gavin gives me a squeeze.

“This is my girlfriend, Casey,” he laughs. “Casey, this asshole is White Lucas. He used to try and play football.”

“I could run circles around you,” White responds.

“Yeah, well you never got that thrill at least not where it counted,” Gavin laughs.

“Lucky break for you. I would have had to crush that ego of yours,” White jokes back. “Good to meet you Casey,” he says reaching out his hand.

“Nice to meet you, too.”

“Am I seeing this right? Has a woman finally caught the biggest player on the Western seaboard?”

“Caught, nothing. I had to chase her and beg her to give me the time of day.”

“Casey if you’re finished, you were supposed to be at work ten minutes ago,” Michelle says, standing at the door and interrupting us. Her face is a picture of thinly disguised hate. I know she has the hots for Gavin, I’ve heard all about that through gossip. Right now she’s looking at me like she could kill me. I try to dim my smile, so I don’t gloat.

I don’t think I succeed.

“I better go,” I whisper, brushing a quick kiss across Gavin’s lips.