“I was a stupid kid,” he dismisses with an easy smile, having no idea what is going on inside my head.

“So, you were leaving,” I remind him. I need a moment to myself. I need to center myself and regroup. I mean really, what have I been thinking? I haven’t seen Gavin in twelve years and he flirts with me and I’m transported back to a time when I’m young, infatuated and stupid. It’s definitely time for a reality check and maybe a visit with my vibrator because obviously I need to get laid.

“Give me your key and I’ll unlock the door,” he grins.

“Or you could leave and I can unlock my own door.”

“You’re a very stubborn woman. You know this may surprise you Casey, but most women fall easily at my feet.”

“This may surprise you Gavin, but I’m not most women,” she answers.

“Trust me Moth-girl, I have that figured out. Are you really making me leave?”

“Yes, I think I am,” I answer and I ignore the regret I feel in my answer.

“I don’t want to leave,” he says, weakening my resolve even more.

“I’m not sure I want you to either,” I answer truthfully.

“Then let me—”

“But I’m asking you to, all the same,” I tell him, pulling away when he would hold me closer.

He sighs and steps back, letting me go. I immediately miss his warmth and the weight of his body against mine. I have to bite back the words that would invite him inside. It’s not easy because everything inside me is screaming for me to say them.

“At least agree to go out with me tomorrow,” he says and those damn butterflies are taking flight in my stomach again.

“Gavin, I’m not really your type,” I start, letting fear hold me back.

“Besides tonight the last time we really spent together was twelve years ago. You don’t know what my type is, Casey.”


“Say yes. You know you want to.”


“Besides that, I’m really not going to take no for an answer,” he adds, interrupting me again.

“Will you let me answer?” I sigh with frustration.

“Only if your answer is yes,” he grins.

“Fine,” I grumble, secretly happy.

“Fine?” he questions.

“I’ll go out with you tomorrow night.”

“Thank God!” he answers dramatically.

“But only if I meet you there and there are no repeats of you refusing to say goodbye at my door,” I tell him out of self-preservation. I’m not stupid, I know if he pushed it tonight I would have let him inside and most likely a lot more.

He frowns, but then his lips spread into a smile that for some reason makes me question my demand.

“I can work with that,” he answers. “Now, quick. If you’re going to insist on sending me away tonight instead of keeping me warm and snuggly in your bed, the least you can do is give me another kiss.”

“Do you usually spend the night in bed with a girl after a first date?”

“Truthfully, sweetheart. I don’t date. But I like that I am with you.”

“Why’s that?”

“I already told you,” he says moving into me again. This time his fingers tangle into my hair as he brings my lips to him. Then his voice drops down into a quiet, throaty whisper that makes me tremble deep inside. “You’re special Casey Langley. Very special.”

The words practically touch me, because his warm breath caresses my lips, right before he claims my mouth again. It’s a kiss that leaves me wet, wanting more, and needing Gavin in my bed. It’s a kiss that almost makes me believe….

Somehow, after all these years, Gavin O’Leary is telling the truth and I could be special to him.



“I thought you would never get here,” Gavin says, flinging the door open the minute I ring the doorbell. He puts his hands on me and all but yanks me inside. I probably would have fallen, except he pulls me into his body and kisses me.

It’s not a gentle kiss with a slow build up like before. His tongue demands entry into my mouth and immediately takes me over. I feel the hard outline of his cock press into my stomach. The feel of it so masculine and uninhibited that I find myself pushing into him, wanting to feel more of him, needing to tease him as much as he is me right now.

“Wow,” I whisper, shaking as we break apart.

“I missed you Moth-girl,” he whispers, his face completely serious.

“I can kind of tell,” I tell him, my eyes going down to his dick which is clearly tenting the long, loose gym shorts he has on.

“Ignore him. He’s pouting because I refused to use my hand on him this morning,” he jokes.

“You really talk without thinking, don’t you?” I laugh, only slightly blushing. “What are you doing?!!?” I squeal when he picks me up in his arms.

“Carrying you out to the pool. You did bring your bathing suit, right?”