“Feels like coming home, Faith. Fuck me, you feel like coming home.”



“If I’m dreaming, don’t wake me,” I mumble, still planted deep inside of Faith. Our breathing is normal again and I have her held against me. She has one hand reaching back to hold my hip and another tangled with the one I have over her breasts. I lean up so I can see her face and she’s smiling. Her eyes are closed and that sweet smile is wide. My woman is happy. Fuck, so am I. I know I missed her. I didn’t realize how much until I got inside of her.

“I think that’s my line, Big Daddy,” she laughs. I bury my head into her neck, fake growling while nibbling on her, and she giggles louder.

She moves as I tickle her and I growl for real when she moves on my cock. I should be spent, but I’m still hard. My dick shudders from deep inside of her, wanting to move more. Faith has to feel it too because she grinds her ass against me with a moan of pleasure.

“Hungry for more?” I ask, my fingers curling into her thigh.

“I shouldn’t be, but you feel so good.”

“Now that’s my line,” I joke. I move my hand from her hip, and capture hers. I bring it up and stare at it. Her pale skin shines against mine. Her long slender fingers look graceful. Her hands are just as beautiful as the rest of her. I kiss her fingers, my thumb brushing over one in particular.

“What did you do with your wedding ring?” I ask her before I can stop myself.

Her body tenses slightly.

“I guess I should have given it back to you.”

“Why? It’s yours. I gave it to you,” I answer, kissing the finger where the ring was.

“You could have gotten your money back for something. You could have probably used it for Ja—”

“Don’t say it. Don’t ruin what just happened, and don’t ruin how fucking amazing it feels to still be inside of you by bringing up how stupid I was.”

“Oh… I didn’t mean anything bad,” she whispers, and she turns her head to look up at me. “I promise. We didn’t owe each other anything at that point.”

“Does that mean you think we do now?”

“Well, I think now, if you left me to go marry another woman I’d be a little upset.”

I grin.

“A little?”

“Okay, more than a little,” she mumbles and she blushes as she admits it. “I’d probably sic Black on you… or maybe Leroy.”

“Good to know, but I’m not planning on going out and marrying another woman, so I think I’m safe. So, where’s your ring?”

“In the nightstand drawer, why?”

“Just wondering,” I lie. I want it back on her finger. But I’ll hold off on that. I don’t want to change her mood while my dick is deep inside of her and her hips are moving slowly as she starts to ride me. She’s doing it in a way that I don’t think she realizes it—at least not fully, and that makes it sweeter.

“Where’s yours?” she says, her voice husky and threaded with need.

“In my suitcase,” I tell her, not adding that I look at it every night. Now is not the time for that either. I move my hand up her stomach and then farther up to her breasts.


“I think you’re hungry, Faith. Am I right?”

“Yes,” she whimpers as I tweak her nipple.

I’m about to shift our position when the phone rings.

“Expecting someone?”

“No. It’s probably Ida Sue or Black. They call almost every night.”

“Don’t move,” I grumble. She moves on my cock again in response.

“Can’t promise that, Big Daddy.”

“I’m going to spank your ass,” I growl, stretching to get the phone, while still remaining inside Faith.

I bring the phone up and frown because it says, “Unknown Caller.”

I click it on, bringing it to my ear. Before I can say hello a man is talking.

“Hey, Sunshine, hope I didn’t wake you. I just wanted to see if you got my present.”


My body tenses and I know Faith feels it because she turns and it causes my cock to slide out of her.

Yet another reason to hate this Brad.

“Titan?” she asks worriedly.

“She got them, but got to tell you, Brad. I’m not real big on you sending presents to my wife.”

“Who is this?” he asks, his voice controlled and clipped.

“Faith’s husband.”

“She’s married?”

“Very, and I’m a man who is not stupid.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I’m not an idiot who pisses away the best thing in his life. I’m also not a boy trying to be a man and use his fists on something precious. I think you get where I’m going with this,” I tell him.

“Titan,” Faith says softly, her arm hugging me close as she moves to look at me. I turn to watch her. Her face is anxious, but she’s not upset with me.