I undress her slowly. Her eyes hold mine the whole time and she doesn’t stop me. If anything she helps, and when she’s completely naked she does something to surprise me further. She doesn’t hide her body. Instead she reaches over and pulls on my shirt. I help slide it over my head, throwing it down on the floor with hers. Once that’s done she moves her hand over my chest. Her touch is like a drug. I missed it, but until this moment I didn’t realize how much. Her fingers slide over my ribs, under my pecs and up to my neck. They press in there, taking in my pulse and holding me. Her gaze locks with mine and then she gives it to me. She gives it to me so sweetly that I didn’t know it was the one thing I missed the most, until I have it.

“I’ve missed you, Big Daddy.”

There it is. There it fucking is.

She missed me. Even with her whacked nickname I soak in that beauty coming from her. I’ve never had that in my life either. Had people come and go. Some people meant a lot, others just passed through. But not one ever looked at me and said they missed me—not with meaning, not with emotion thick in their voice, so thick you knew they truly meant it. Not until Faith.

Her hands go to my belt and she slowly undoes it. Her hand trembles and somehow that tremble moves through me. I cup her hand in mine, holding it still. Again her eyes come back to me.

“I’ve missed you, wife.”

I don’t know what makes me say the words, I just know they feel right. I see exactly when they hit Faith. Her face reflects shock, but then she smiles and it’s a smile that lights the room.

“Let’s get you naked,” she whispers and on that we can completely agree. I undo the button while she’s already sliding the zipper down. I shove my clothes down and step out of them. I’d like to say I played it slow and cool, but fuck, I just want them out of the way. Hell, when I kick my shoe off it goes sailing through the air and hits a lamp. Faith jumps into my body as it crashes into the floor in a heap of broken glass.

“I’ll buy you a new one,” I grumble and she looks up at me with her mouth open and then she laughs, so happy and free something squeezes in my heart.

“Anxious?” she asks, when she finally gains control again.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” I admit without blinking.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she whispers.

“So, you’re saying I’m going to wake up and you’ll be here with me for a change?”

“That’s the plan,” she agrees.

“So, no handcuffs are needed?”

“Not this round, but maybe next time…” She grins seductively, leaving little doubt at what she’s talking about.

“Making note,” I tell her as I gather her in my arms and bring her down on the bed with me.

I lay her on her back, as I go to my side so I can look at her. I hold one of her breasts, letting the weight of it settle in my hand.


“I love your body. Light to my dark, smooth to my rough, soft to my hard,” I rumble in her ear, biting on the lobe. I suck it into my mouth while squeezing her nipple and then kneading her breast.

“Definitely hard,” she whispers, her hand wrapping around my cock and squeezing. I close my eyes as pleasure ripples through my body. I thrust into her hand before I can stop myself.

“Keep that up and this party will end way too soon,” I warn her, kissing down her neck and shoulder.

“That would be a shame, but I do love touching you, Titan,” she says, squeezing my cock again.

I run my tongue along the indention of her collarbone, nibbling gently on the skin. Then I move lower, taking her nipple into my mouth, sucking it while I squeeze her breast, and then I move my hand to play with her other nipple, while still sucking the first. I tease them at the same time, playing them against each other. Tugging, biting, licking, sucking, all done to drive her wild. Her fingers stab into my shoulder as her body rhythmically rocks. Her moan triggers my growl as I abandon her breasts and move farther down.

My hand rests on her stomach. And I spread it out, palm down and just hold it there. She brings her hand down, placing it over mine.

“Our baby,” I whisper, emotion thick in my voice.

“You want him.”

“Or her,” I groan, moving down to kiss the top of her hand.

“I was scared you would be mad…”

“I’m the one who didn’t protect you, Faith,” I tell her, taking full responsibility.