“You should have told me this sooner,” Titan says, his voice rumbling.


“Are you shitting me?”

“Titan, we weren’t in a relationship, and you followed me to make that official. There’s no reason I would have told you.”

“Fair enough. Then here’s a warning you need to take to heart, Faith.”

“A warn—”

“We’re in a relationship from this moment on. You’re carrying my baby. Mine. We’re in a relationship and you’re mine. That gives it to you officially and I do not let anyone fuck with what is mine. You get it?”

“I… We’re in a relationship?”

“That’s what I said.”

“Do I get a say here?”

“You do,” he confirms so I breathe a little easier.

“Then I don’t think—”

“You get to agree we’re in a relationship and tell me that you understand no one is going to fuck with you from this moment on.”

I take a breath. I look at Titan and his face is stoic, heated, intense and it’s not all bad. In fact, I like a lot of what he’s saying. I’ve also missed him. Missed him so much I wake up aching. Still…

“Can you define relationship?” I ask, thinking we can start slowly and begin dating. We skipped that whole part, and dating Titan might be fun.

“I’ll define it for you,” he says and I breathe easier.

“That’d be good,” I smile, hoping to ease his mood, because he’s still really intense.

“I’m moving in,” he announces and I jump against his hold on me, my body trembling. I look at his face, which is set in stone.

Oh crap.



“Thanks for bringing my shit over,” I tell Black, who is standing at the door. He hands me my suitcase, but he hasn’t spoken and he refuses to move. I wait and there’s still no response. “Are you going to talk?”

“Faith is okay with you moving in here?”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what it means.”

“If she wasn’t, do you think I’d be standing here?”

“I don’t really know you, Titan. Except that you were an asshole to my cousin when she needed you to be a man. So to answer your question, I don’t know.”

I drop my bags on the floor and cross my arms, daring him to talk more shit. He’s not wrong. I was a dick to Faith when she told me about the baby. But until Black has chased a woman and had her walk out on him twice and then get sucker punched like I did that day at the church, he can shut his fucking mouth.

After Faith’s story about her ex, I’m needing a few things to punch and Black’s face is as good as any. We stand there, neither of us giving an inch, until Faith comes in from the kitchen.

“What’s going on?” she asks, immediately picking up on the tension in the room.

“I was just explaining to Titan that I wasn’t sure you really wanted him staying here,” Black says, his eyes not leaving mine.

“I was just explaining to Black he could go fuck himself,” I respond, not blinking.

“So really you guys are in a pissing match.”

Both of us grunt in reply to her.

“Black, I got to warn you, if the two of you are going to get in a contest to see who has the biggest dick, Titan will win.”

“What?” we both ask again, our gazes jerking to her instantly. Faith is leaning against the side of the sofa staring at both of us.

“I’m just saying that I’ve seen both and Titan’s is bigger. So if we could wrap this up sometime today, that’d be swell.”

“I doubt it’s bigger,” Black grumbles under his breath.

“When did you see his dick?” I bark.

I turn to face Faith then and before I had just been thinking about punching Black in the face. Now I need to.

“Several times.”

“Several times?” I growl.

“You’ve never seen it hard and ready though, and damn it, it’s plenty big. Probably bigger than this asshole’s,” Black mutters from behind me. He must have decided to come inside because he slams the door.

“I love you, Black, but it’s not.”

“When did you see his dick?” I growl again.


“Answer me, Faith.”

“Oh my God! Are you jealous?”

“I want to know when you saw Black’s dick.”

“Several times,” she grins and it’s a grin that has her daring me to spank her ass.

“Tell me when,” I demand.

“I’ll have you know some women are afraid of my dick when they see it because it’s so big,” Black grumbles and God, I really want to punch him.

“Well, the first time I think I was three,” she grins and Christ, she’s busting my balls and enjoying it.

“It was even big back then.”

“Will you shut up about the size of your dick,” I snap.

“I just want it on record that my dick is not small. I’ve never had a complaint either, not one, and there’s been plenty of women, let me tell you. Plen—tee!”