“Do friends kiss, Faith?”


“I want to kiss you. Do friends kiss?”

“You do?”

“Definitely,” he says bringing his face closer to mine. As he does, the contents of the bag he’s holding gets closer and I catch the smell of bacon and eggs. I try to swallow it down, but I can’t. I take off running because I can feel the bile rise in my stomach and I know what’s coming. “Faith!” Titan calls from behind me, but I ignore him. I don’t stop until I make it to the small guest bath in the hall. Then I dive toward the toilet.

I don’t know if it’s a minute later or maybe five, I just know I’m puking my guts out and Titan comes in and I want to die. There are several ways in life that you don’t want a good looking man to find you. One of those high up on the list is puking. When I finish I feel a cool cloth hit my forehead and it’s then I notice Titan is holding my hair out of the way and pressing a cloth to me. I take it and move it down to my lips, feeling horrible.

“Are you okay, Faith?” he asks, his voice quiet and gentle.

“Eggs,” I manage to mutter.


“Zeus doesn’t like eggs,” I sigh.

“We’re not naming our child Zeus,” he says, but I can hear the smile behind his words—even if I can’t see it.

“Can you give me a few minutes alone? I need to…”

“You’re sure you’re okay?”


“Okay. Then I’ll go get rid of the eggs.”

“Much appreciated,” I tell him, still not turning around to see him. I’m too mortified. He helps me stand, giving me a squeeze from behind, and then leaving the small room. Once the door closes I sink down to the commode and sit before my legs give out. This was not how I wanted Titan to see me. I rub my stomach absently, vowing again to never drink tequila again.

It takes some work, but I manage to make it back to my bedroom without Titan knowing. A few minutes later I emerge with my teeth brushed, and mouthwash taking away the stench from earlier. I’ve brushed my hair and put on clothes. I still feel nauseous, but at least I look human.

“How are you feeling?” he asks anxiously as I round the corner to the kitchen. He’s sitting at the bar and it’s clear he’s worried.

“Fine. I just need some coffee.”


“It helps settle my stomach.”


Not wife… babe… it isn’t bad, but it isn’t wife. For some reason my brain fixates on that, but I push it down.

“It’s decaf, Titan. Relax and while you’re doing that, explain to me why you’re here again.”

“I wanted to surprise you before work. I was afraid I wouldn’t make it. Aren’t you going to be late?”

“Late? Oh… I don’t work today, Titan. I uh… have an appointment.”

“An appointment?” he asks and I finish fixing my coffee because I know what he’s going to want and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

“I have a doctor’s appointment today.”

“About the baby?”


“I told you I wanted to go to those.”

“Titan, it’s my first real appointment since I moved here. It’s not like they’ll do a lot. You’re more than welcome to come when they—”

“I’m coming to this one,” he says obstinately and I sigh.

“What if I said no?”

“Then I’d follow you to the doctor appointment and stand outside the exam room,” he says, his face devoid of any trace of emotion, but deathly serious in a way you could see, hear and feel.

“Fine. You can go, but I’m warning you right now, Big Daddy. You annoy me and I’ll make them escort you out, and you won’t be invited to any other appointments.”

He shrugs and doesn’t bother hiding his grin. I want to scream, but I stifle that and turn back to my coffee, urging it to hurry and finish. I’ve got a feeling I’m going to need its magical strength to get me through today.



Ida Sue might be growing on me. When she suggested I take Faith breakfast this morning, I didn’t readily agree. I didn’t want to push my luck too soon. She kept insisting though—to the point of almost pushing me out the door. She knew about the doctor appointment. I thought the old woman was insane—and I still think that—but I’m starting to understand she’s smart as a damn tack too. Crazy and smart is a combination any man should respect and be afraid of. Still, I definitely owe her one right now.

“How are you feeling, Ms. Lucas?” the doctor asks, making notes in his file.

“Good. A little tired, but not horrible,” Faith answers, and I hear the nervousness in her voice.

“That’s to be expected,” the doctor says and he turns and grins at her. He’s entirely too pretty. I don’t like it. Doctors who deliver babies for a living are supposed to be old with kind faces, or… women. They aren’t supposed to look pretty. They aren’t supposed to be my age and if they are they don’t need to be the doctor that looks at Faith. “Everything else seems to be okay? According to our records you’re at your second month now, which is still rather early but you can notice a few changes.”