“Well, to be fair, Rena Wiles had a much better one,” I reason.

“She did? What was hers? Damn if I can remember it. I barely remember her.”

“Oh my God!” I cry forgetting I’m eating among A-listers and talking a little too loud.

“What?” he asks, his eyes widening with surprise.

“You were the first to try out Rena’s co-ed showers stance with the prom queen. Remember?”

I watch as he tries to think back. I can literally see the wheels turn. Finally, his eyes sparkle and he laughs.

“I remember now. If you want to get hot and steamy, vote for Rena! Really, if you think about it that was a really lame slogan, though, Casey. I mean, she won and we never did get co-ed shower rooms.”

“Yeah well, the entire chess club and science geeks got to enjoy the shower with Rena, so…” I shrug as I answer.

“Shit, really?”

“Yep,” I laugh, surprised he was clueless about that. Everyone talked about it for weeks. Rena collected more cherries in that shower than they gather in a Washington cherry harvest.

“Damn, I guess that’s how she got so many votes. You would think she would have shared some of her offer with her opponent—especially since she beat me so badly.”

“Are you going to pout now?”

“I’m thinking about it,” he grouses and before I can stop myself, I cackle.

“You’re ridiculous.”

“Words hurt, Moth-girl.”

“I’m being serious. You’re pouting because some chick you never had the time to say hello to in school beat you fair and square—”

“She beat me by beating half the male population in school,” he mutters.

“I think there was more sucking involved than beating,” I point out.

His eyes narrow, but he’s not fooling me. I see the humor lines around his eyes and the corner of his mouth gathering. “You’re enjoying this a little too much, Casey.”

“Mostly I’m enjoying the fact that you brought me to the most pretentious restaurant in town to impress me, knowing you were going to hate the food.”

“I don’t hate it….”

“Gavin,” I mutter, shaking my head.

“You know, most girls would be impressed that they’re dining not ten feet from the hottest rising star in Hollywood.”

“I’d rather eat food I like.”

“You don’t like sushi and soup?” he says like I’m an anomaly or something—when clearly he’s the same way.

“I want a burger and fries,” I admit.

“God, that sounds good.”

“I know where you can get the best burgers in the state of California and I can get in without waiting in line.”

“Would you be willing to share this amazing place with me?” he asks with a grin.

“You might could talk me into it if it means we can leave this place behind,” I respond.

“Waiter!” he calls out, motioning with his hand. I find myself laughing again. I didn’t expect to have such a good time with Gavin, but I am…



“I’ve had a really good time with you tonight, Gavin,” Casey says. She stops at her door, her key in her hand.

I had to practically beg her to let me drive her home. She clearly didn’t want me to, but there was no way that I could let her go in a taxi or some damn Uber driver. I wanted to be the man who took her home.

Hell, I want to be the man in her bed tonight.

I was hoping I would be, but she’s clearly saying goodbye. I should let her go. I find I don’t want to leave. How long has it been since I’ve enjoyed myself this much around a woman—and it didn’t involve sex?

Not that I don’t want sex from her. I do and it has zero to do with that stupid bet I made with Aden. Casey is special. God, she’s killed me tonight. She’s wearing this emerald green wrap around dress that hugs her body like a second glove. The dress is practically making love to her ass, sliding against it, holding it, teasing it...Doing all the things I want to do to her and giving me ideas for more. The dress is tied at an angle under those full breasts. All night I’ve had to restrain myself from reaching over, pulling her to me, letting my fingers tease the underside of those luscious tits and tugging on the sash so her dress is open to me—so her body is naked for me. What would she look like naked, with nothing covering her from my gaze?

This is one reason why my dick will now have scars from my zipper along the shaft and why I don’t want tonight to end. The other reasons are more intricate and definitely more surprising. I like Casey. I don’t mean that normally either. I’ve liked other women, hell I like all women—with exception of the nasty ones I’ve come across, Gloria being one of the first to come to mind.

Casey is different though.