I walk over to Ida Sue and hug her, holding her to me. She smells like the blueberry muffins she made for breakfast this morning and that too is something I wish I’d had when I was younger. I can’t remember my mother baking anything. I can’t remember my mother being in the kitchen—at least not sober.

“I love you,” I whisper close to her ear.

“I love you too. Does this mean you’re going to make an old woman happy and stay?”

“I can’t. I need to stand on my own two feet. I need to make a home for little Zeus or Eris,” I laugh.

“There’s that Lucas spirit. In that case, I have a key for you.”

“A key?”

“Yeah, you don’t need to be climbing stairs all the time. Right now it’d be fine, but you give it a few months and that little monkey you’re carrying starts dancing on your bladder, then climbing stairs will be the last thing you want to do. This here is a nice three-bedroom house, right down the road from Petal and Orange. Rent is reasonable too.”

“Are you ever going to call Luka anything but Orange?”

“Probably not. The things I’m tempted to call him make Petal get all pissy. Besides, those names aren’t as fun anymore since I like the big dummy these days.”

Her response makes me laugh, but then I look at the key in my hand.

“Whose house is it?”

“A friend of mine. He heard you were staying here and offered up the house. Check it out, see if you like it and if you do, we can work out the particulars then. I can text you the address.”

“Are you sure?”


“I’ll do it then. Thank you so much, Ida Sue. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Well, then, you never have to find out, do you? Now, you hurry on along. I need to see what else I can get done around this place besides a fan. Yes-sir-ree, I’m going to get some real spring cleaning done.”

“I’ll leave you to it, then. Thanks again,” I call as I grab a banana and then head out the door. Ida Sue doesn’t respond; she’s already mumbling about installing something in her bathroom. I’m not sure what, but I could have sworn she mentioned a chocolate fountain. I’m not sure why anyone would want one of those in their bathroom. It seems really unsanitary, but I’m not about to question her.

I’m not that brave.



“Did she take the house?” I ask Ida Sue.

The bitch is crazy, even over the phone. Still, she loves her niece and she’s helping me take care of Faith. I have to depend on her right now; I don’t have a choice. I’m kind of glad we’re only doing this over the phone, though. There’s some days my ass still hurts from all of her pinching at Aden’s wedding.

“She’s moving in this weekend. She’s expecting to pay rent, though, Tighty. She’s not going to be happy when she finds out there is no rent.”

“I’ll deal with it. And I thought I told you not to call me that anymore.” My hand flexes on the phone in irritation.

“That can be arranged if you answer my question.”

“Ida Sue—”

“Tighty-whiteys or boxers?”

“I’m not answering that shit.”

“So we’re talking commando. I like it.”

“You are a special kind of Fruit Loops, aren’t you?”

“Fine. I have another name for you. It’s better.”

“I’m dying with anticipation.” I laugh, wondering how they let this woman walk the streets alone.

“I just bet you are. When will you be making your appearance in Texas anyway?”

“I have a few more things to close up here. It will probably be next week. Not that it matters. Faith’s still not taking my calls.” I sigh.

I’ve made a fucking mess of this. I just can’t seem to stop myself. I don’t blame Faith for not taking my call. In her shoes, I wouldn’t want to talk to me right now. Still, it can’t keep going on like this. I’m hoping things go better when I get to Texas. I don’t have a lot of hope—but I have to try.

I found that house in a great neighborhood and it’s close to some of Faith’s family. Luckily, that family is not Ida Sue. I’m not sure I can take being really close to her right now. Which is another reason I’m dreading going to Texas. I get Faith moved into the house, I know I’m going to have to grovel my way back in with her and that means I’ll be staying in a motel—there’s only one in that small town—or with Ida Sue. None of those options fill me with happiness, but I’ll do what I have to. Hopefully, Faith will forgive me sooner rather than later.

“It’s the Lucas blood in her. We can be a tad hard-headed,” Ida Sue confesses. “She’s a smart cookie, though. Once she’s sees that you’re serious, it will get easier.”