“Ex-wife really,” Faith answers, peeking over my shoulder.

“You’ve been married?” Meyers growls and he pulls his arm back again. I’m not about to take another hit from him. Jacey grabs his arm, though, and holds him back.

“Not really. We weren’t,” Faith says again and I frown down at her.

“We were too.”

“Well, I mean we were but we weren’t.”

“Woman, we were.”

“We got an annulment. Actually, Titan hunted me down to get me to sign the papers so he wouldn’t disappoint you,” Faith tells Jacey, and for some reason I want to pull her over my shoulder and carry her the fuck out of here, then maybe spank her ass.

“You’re saying you two didn’t sleep together, then? Why did you get married in the first place?” Meyers asks.

“We—” I start, but again Faith butts in.

“We were drunk,” she says, and I definitely want to spank her ass now.

“What in the hell, Titan? I’ll destroy you!” Meyers threatens.

“It’s fine. Daddy, it’s fine. Let’s just get this done,” Jacey says and guilt hits me. She doesn’t care about me, she has her own reasons for this marriage, but I’m about to fuck that up for her.

“About that…” I start, but I needn’t worry because Faith pipes in again.

“Could I just talk to Big Daddy one little momento? It’s kind of important,” she says and I hold my head down and pinch my nose.

“Big… Daddy?” Jacey whispers the words, but her father nearly screams them.

“Titan, I really need to talk to you…” she says and I think I see fear in her face.


“You leave anywhere with this—”

“I’d be careful what you call my cousin,” a guy yells from a few feet away. I’ve met him before. I think he’s White’s brother.

“Go talk to her, Titan. You and I can talk after,” Jacey responds and I see the recognition on her face. I nod my head in agreement and then turn to Faith, wrap my hand around her upper arm and pull her into the room where Aden, Gavin and I got ready earlier.

Thinking about them, I look over and they’re both standing there grinning like fucking fools. After I spank Faith’s ass, I may punch them for fun.



“Hi,” I tell him lamely after he closes the door. It’s stupid, but I had to say something. He just keeps standing there, staring at me with his arms crossed as if daring me to move. “You’re looking good,” I add, because apparently I have a knack for being stupid.

“Why are you here, Faith?”


“Because if I remember correctly you fucked my brains out and then left me again. I kind of took that to mean whatever we had was done.”


“And if that didn’t clue me in, the fact that you signed the annulment papers and left me a nice little note sure as hell did.”


“Not to mention that it has been—”

“Will you let me talk?”

“Get to talking,” he growls and I’d like to throw something at him, but I don’t figure that would be the smart play to make right now.

“I uh… Are you really getting married?” I ask, unable to tell him what I need to and instead asking the one thing that has been bothering me since I found out.

“You got to be shitting me right now,” he growls and I bite my lip.

Yeah, I shouldn’t have asked that.

“That’s probably none of my business,” I tell him with a sigh and sit down in a chair, trying to figure out how to get the words out that I need to tell him. Words I don’t really want to say.

“Gee, woman. Do you think?”

“I think I liked it better when you called me wife,” I grumble.

“But you aren’t anymore. You signed the papers.”

“You don’t get to sound angry about that, Titan. You’re the guy who chased me down to get me to sign them. Remember?”

“So to be clear, we’re saying you came all the way to California to bust my balls?”

“No… I had something to tell you. I was going to write you a letter, but my aunt said it was something you would want to know right away, and that you were getting married. That’s quick moving, by the way. I mean, I know you said it was a business deal and all that, but couldn’t the ink get a little dry on our annulment before you say I do?”

“Faith,” he says, his voice full of warning.

“Okay, fine! I lied to you,” I tell him while wringing my hands. My nerves are about to get the best of me.

“You what?”

“I lied to you.”

“When… what about? Start talking, woman,” he growls and I bite my lip and watch him. I figure the worst case scenario here is that he tries to kill me. My cousin Black is in the next room and my brother-in-law Aden was out there. That probably means Hope is around somewhere. Surely, between the three of them they won’t let me die.