“So we’re saying if you were getting married you’d want someone you had a one-night stand with—for argument’s sake we’ll say it’s the new mayor’s girl Laney—that she’s pregnant.”

“Fuck, don’t even joke about that shit. And quit throwing Laney into anything. That woman’s nose is so far up in the air she can smell the clouds.”

“She is a little… uptight.”

“There’s the understatement of the year.”

“Okay, a lot uptight,” I whisper, almost smiling—despite my nerves. Black grabs my hand and squeezes it.

“Stop distracting me with rich bitch snobs.”

“Ouch, that’s harsh.”

“I was trying to be nice—I had other words. But again, stop distracting me. How about you get out of this car and go tell Titan you’re pregnant?”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

“You make it sound easy, and we both know it’s not. That church is full of people, including a bride to be and all of her rich family and friends. None of these people will like to see me coming.”

“Well, if you don’t get a move on, it will be after they say I do, and trust me, they will like you much less then.”

I look at him and close my eyes. My hand goes to the door and I do my best to get my nerves under control.

“Time to go crash a wedding,” I whisper, my voice literally shaking.

“That’s the spirit,” Black says, sounding way too cheerful. I ignore him. I have enough on my plate just concentrating on walking without my legs giving out.

I get to the entrance and I swear it feels like my heart is about to jump out of my chest. I open the big heavy entry doors, wincing at the squeaking sound that seems unnaturally loud. I’m ready to run back outside and forget this whole thing when I feel Black behind me, his hand on my back holding me steady, but also not allowing me to turn around.

The bastard.

I walk through the vestibule, my palms sweating. I look down at my jeans and yellow T-shirt that proclaims my love of waffles and wonder if maybe I should have tried to dress a little better before crashing a wedding.

Why didn’t someone point out that I looked like a homeless man?

I swallow down bile trying to rise. Right now would not be a good time to get sick. My hand goes to my stomach and I close my eyes. I just have to tell Titan what I need him to know and then sneak back out before the wedding starts. That seems simple enough.

I go into the main chapel and my heart drops to my feet. There will be no talking to Titan before the wedding. That’s impossible now.

The wedding has started and the preacher has already started talking.




“… We are gathered here today to join…”

“Uh… I need a word.” I finally say the words, getting them out way too late, but shit… at least I got them out.

“What?” the preacher says, clearly surprised, and I can’t say as I blame him. I’d venture to say this shit doesn’t happen often.

“Jacey, I think you and I should talk,” I tell her and you can hear the gasps throughout the church.

“Nothing like timing.” This comes from Aden and I’d cock-punch him, but I’ve kind of got my hands full at the moment.

“What the hell is going on here, Marsh?” Meyers—Jacey’s father—growls, standing up and coming toward us.

“I think whatever is going on is between me and Jacey,” I tell him, but even before I say it, I know it’s not going to go over well. A moment later, that’s proven when Meyers hits me. I wasn’t expecting it. I probably should have, but I thought it being a church, and because of what was going on, he would give me time to explain. But I go down like a chump, because her father might be getting up there in years, but he spent his life playing football and he hits like a man who has spent his life pumping iron—because he has.

“Titan!” I hear a scream from the back of the church. Then I hear running. My heart is hammering here, because I know that voice. Fuck, I’ve been dreaming about that voice. I look up just in time to see Faith pushing Meyers out of the way to get to me.

“What in the fuck is going on here?”

“Daddy, your language!” Jacey yells. “I’m sorry, Reverend,” she adds, and that just seems to make her old man angrier.

“I’m not. I want to know what in the hell is going on and who you are,” he says, looking at Faith.

“I’d like to know that too,” Jacey answers.

“This is my wife,” I growl, standing up and pulling Faith behind me.

“Your wife?” Jacey and her father question in unison. One’s voice is curious, the other is full of even more anger than before.